Sentiment and self‐interest: The imperial ideal in Anglo‐Australian commercial culture | 2001/04/01 | English | 9 |
British policy towards the Australian aborigines, 1830–1850 | 1992/10/01 | English | 9 |
Melbourne's ‘little Lon'* | 2000/04/01 | English | 9 |
‘You'll get nothing out of it'? The Inquest, Police and Aboriginal Deaths in Colonial Queensland | 2004/04/01 | English | 8 |
Historical interpretation at Sovereign Hill | 1991/04/01 | English | 8 |
‘A church full of men’: Masculinism and the church in Australian history∗ | 1993/04/01 | English | 8 |
Prickly pear land: Transnational networks in settler Australia | 2007/10/01 | English | 8 |
‘Going like a boy’: Making up girls in the 1930s kindergarten | 1993/04/01 | English | 8 |
‘Spinsters Indispensable’: Feminists, single women and the critique of marriage, 1890–1920∗ | 1998/04/01 | English | 8 |
Australian Legends: Representations of the Bush, 1813–1913∗ | 2000/10/01 | English | 8 |
The Judgement of the World: The Yorta Yorta Case1and the ‘Tide of History’ | 2004/04/01 | English | 8 |
Selling the past: History in museums in the 1990s | 1991/04/01 | English | 8 |
The missing nexus? Union recovery, growth and behaviour during the first decades of arbitration: Towards a re‐evaluation∗ | 1995/04/01 | English | 8 |
Vision, voice and influence: The rise of the Australian aboriginal progressive association | 2003/04/01 | English | 8 |
The master potter and the rejected pots: Eugenic legislation in Victoria, 1918–1939∗ | 1999/10/01 | English | 8 |
The darkest decade: Homophobia in 1950s Australia | 1997/10/01 | English | 8 |
Schooling for ruling: The social composition of admissions to Geelong Grammar School, 1930–19391 | 1992/04/01 | English | 8 |
Portrait of an aboriginal as an artist: Sally Morgan and the construction of aboriginality∗ | 1992/10/01 | English | 7 |
God in the suburbs: The religious culture of Australian cities in the 1950s | 1991/10/01 | English | 7 |
New Zealand federation commissioners in Australia: One past, two historiographies | 2003/10/01 | English | 7 |
Aborigines, memorials and the history of the frontier | 1991/04/01 | English | 7 |
The dialogue of townscape: The rocks and Sydney, 1788–1820 | 1997/04/01 | English | 7 |
The ‘Conquering Car’: Technology, Symbolism and the Motorisation of Australia before World War II* | 2000/04/01 | English | 7 |
From Suburban Football to International spectacle: The Commodification of Rugby League in Australia, 1907–1995 | 1998/04/01 | English | 7 |
Whatever Happened to Patriotic Women, 1914–1918? | 2000/10/01 | English | 7 |
Does Australian history have a future? | 2002/01/01 | English | 7 |
Federation as a turning point in Australian history | 2002/01/01 | English | 7 |
Securing the man: Narratives of gender and nation in the verdicts of henry bournes higgins | 2006/04/01 | English | 6 |
The first plans for governing New South Wales, 1786–87 | 1990/04/01 | English | 6 |
War memorials in Australia and New Zealand: A comparative survey | 1991/04/01 | English | 6 |