Journal of Contemporary Religion

Title Publication Date Language Citations
On the Receiving End: Discrimination toward the Non-Religious in the United States2012/01/01English96
Beyond the Spiritual Supermarket: The Social and Public Significance of New Age Spirituality2006/05/01English84
The Emergence of Conspirituality2011/01/01English76
Spirituality: The Emergence of a New Cultural Category and its Challenge to the Religious and the Secular2014/01/02English69
Research Note: Talking about a Revolution: Terminology for the New Field of Non-religion Studies2012/01/01English61
Why the Jehovah's witnesses grow so rapidly: A theoretical application1997/05/01English60
Salvation, Damnation, and Economic Incentives2007/01/01English58
Psychological Type and Attitude towards Celtic Christianity among Committed Churchgoers in the United Kingdom: An Empirical Study2008/05/01English57
New Age Commodification and Appropriation of Spirituality2001/10/01English54
The Importance of Religious Displays for Belief Acquisition and Secularization2012/01/01English51
'Winning Ways': Globalisation and the Impact of the Health and Wealth Gospel2000/10/01English50
Why religious movements succeed or fail: A revised general model1996/05/01English49
Religion, personality and happiness1997/01/01English44
Catholic Identity in Contemporary Ireland: Belief and Belonging to Tradition12007/05/01English42
Is the Term 'Spirituality' a Word that Everyone Uses, But Nobody Knows What Anyone Means by it?2001/05/01English42
Three Puzzles of Non-religion in Britain2012/01/01English41
Research note: The 2001 census and christian identification in Britain2004/01/01English39
Exploring the Impact of Religious Beliefs, Leadership, and Networks on Response and Recovery of Disaster-affected Populations: A Case Study from Indonesia2015/04/29English39
A turning point in religious evolution in europe1>2004/01/01English37
Leaving the Church Behind: Applying a Deconversion Perspective to Evangelical Exit Narratives2014/05/01English35
Conspirituality Reconsidered: How Surprising and How New is the Confluence of Spirituality and Conspiracy Theory?2015/09/02English33
Theorizing lived religion: introduction2020/05/03English33
Nursing, professionalism, and spirituality2003/10/01English30
‘Sacralising’ Sacred Space in Public Institutions: A Case Study of the Prayer Space at the Millennium Dome2005/10/01English28
The Media and the Catholic Church in Ireland: Reporting Clerical Child Sex Abuse2009/12/09English28
Does the counter-cultural character of new age persist? Investigating social and political attitudes of new age followers2004/10/01English25
Spirituality and ‘Mystical Religion’ in Contemporary Society: A Case Study of British Practitioners of the Iyengar Method of Yoga2005/10/01English24
The New Age: Towards a Market Model2005/05/01English23
Young People's Identity Formation in Mixed-Faith Families: Continuity or Discontinuity of Religious Traditions?2009/12/09English23
Religion as a Discursive Technique: The Politics of Classifying Wicca2010/10/01English22