Land Economics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Valuing Option, Existence, and Bequest Demands for Wilderness1984/02/01187
Do Payments for Environmental Services Affect Forest Cover? A Farm-Level Evaluation from Costa Rica2012/02/21English187
Confidence Intervals for Evaluating Benefits Estimates from Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation Studies1991/02/01186
A Discrete/Continuous Choice Approach to Residential Water Demand under Block Rate Pricing1995/05/01181
Measuring the Existence Value of Wildlife: What Do CVM Estimates Really Show?1991/11/01178
Deforestation and the Rule of Law in a Cross-Section of Countries1994/11/01176
What Drives Land-Use Change in the United States? A National Analysis of Landowner Decisions2008/09/12English175
Benefit Estimates for Landscape Improvements: Sequential Bayesian Design and Respondents' Rationality in a Choice Experiment2007/11/01English169
Climate, Water, and Agriculture2003/08/01English169
Do Tropical Forests Provide Natural Insurance? The Microeconomics of Non-Timber Forest Product Collection in the Brazilian Amazon2001/11/01English169
Forgetting the Flood? An Analysis of the Flood Risk Discount over Time2013/10/01English168
Targeting Tools for the Purchase of Environmental Amenities1997/08/01163
Conservation Tillage: The Role of Farm and Operator Characteristics and the Perception of Soil Erosion1989/05/01161
Normative and Social Influences Affecting Compliance with Fishery Regulations2000/08/01158
Public Benefits, Private Benefits, and Policy Mechanism Choice for Land-Use Change for Environmental Benefits2008/05/01English157
Patterns of Behavior in Endangered Species Preservation1996/02/01156
Economies of Scale and Scope: A Cost Analysis of Municipal Solid Waste Services2001/11/01English155
The Effects of Greenbelts on Residential Property Values: Some Findings on the Political Economy of Open Space1978/05/01152
Estimating Leakage from Forest Carbon Sequestration Programs2004/02/01English149
Environmental Regulations and Technological Change in the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry2005/05/01English149
Learning from Extreme Events: Risk Perceptions after the Flood2010/06/24English147
The Effects of Land-Use Constraints on Housing Prices1990/08/01146
Will Farmers Trade Profits for Stewardship? Heterogeneous Motivations for Farm Practice Selection2008/02/01English144
A Programmed Solution for Approximating an Optimum Retail Location1966/08/01144
The Economics of Fisheries Law Enforcement1985/11/01143
Status Quo Effect in Choice Experiments: Empirical Evidence on Attitudes and Choice Task Complexity2009/06/24English142
Location Choice in New England Trawl Fisheries: Old Habits Die Hard2000/02/01139
Viewscapes and Flood Hazard: Coastal Housing Market Response to Amenities and Risk2008/06/26English138
Predicting the Location of Deforestation: The Role of Roads and Protected Areas in North Thailand2001/05/01138
Effect of Distance on the Preservation Value of Water Quality1985/08/01137