Land Economics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Value of Biodiversity: Markets, Society, and Ecosystems1997/02/0197
Uncertain Hazards, Insurance, and Consumer Choice: Evidence from Housing Markets1987/11/0196
An Examination of the Effect of Ownership on the Relative Efficiency of Public and Private Water Utilities1994/05/0195
Transferable Discharge Permits and the Control of Stationary Source Air Pollution: A Survey and Synthesis1980/11/0195
Do Seller Disclosures Affect Property Values? Buyer Information and the Hedonic Model2008/09/12English95
The Geographic Diversity of U.S. Nonmetropolitan Growth Dynamics: A Geographically Weighted Regression Approach2008/05/01English94
Market Failure in Information: The National Flood Insurance Program2002/11/01English94
Combining Revealed and Stated Preference Methods to Value Environmental Amenities at Residential Locations2001/02/01English94
Agricultural Land Values and the Value of Rights to Future Land Development2001/02/01English94
Ecopayments and Deforestation in Costa Rica: A Nationwide Analysis of PSA's Initial Years2013/05/17English94
Deliberative Monetary Valuation and the Evidence for a New Value Theory2008/06/26English93
Riding the Wave of Urban Growth in the Countryside: Spread, Backwash, or Stagnation?2007/05/01English93
Congestion and Willingness to Pay: A Study of Beach Use1977/05/0193
Farmland Values at the Urban Fringe: An Analysis of Sale Prices1981/08/0192
The Economics of Tropical Forest Land Use Options1997/05/0191
Deforestation, Land Use, and Property Rights: Empirical Evidence from Darien, Panama2001/05/0191
Measuring the Benefits of Amenity Improvements in Hedonic Price Models1988/05/0190
On-Farm Adoption of Conservation Practices: The Role of Farm and Farmer Characteristics, Perceptions, and Health Hazards1998/02/0190
The Value of a Suburban Forest Preserve: Estimates from Sales of Vacant Residential Building Lots2002/08/01English90
Incentive Incompatibility and Starting-Point Bias in Iterative Valuation Questions2002/05/01English89
A Theoretical Approach to Deliberative Valuation: Aggregation by Mutual Consent2006/02/01English88
Can Discrimination in the Housing Market Be Reduced by Increasing the Information about the Applicants?2009/12/31English88
Nudges, Social Norms, and Permanence in Agri-environmental Schemes2016/09/22English88
Social Capital and Natural Capital: A Comparative Analysis of Land Tenure and Natural Resource Management in Guatemala2000/02/0188
Estimating the Demand for Air Quality: New Evidence Based on the Chicago Housing Market1999/02/0188
Ecotourism Demand and Differential Pricing of National Park Access in Costa Rica1998/11/0188
Hog Operations, Environmental Effects, and Residential Property Values1997/02/0188
The Opportunity Cost of Travel Time in Recreation Demand Models1983/08/0188
Demand Specification for Municipal Water Management: Evaluation of the Stone-Geary Form2001/08/01English88
Urban Sprawl and Speculation in Suburban Land1962/05/0187