Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Keep Calm and Cuddle on: Social Touch as a Stress Buffer2016/08/29English123
Breaking Bread: the Functions of Social Eating2017/03/11English121
Testosterone and Economic Risk Taking: A Review2015/01/06English80
Testosterone, Cortisol and Empathy: Evidence for the Dual-Hormone Hypothesis2014/11/19English46
To Remove or not to Remove: the Impact of Outlier Handling on Significance Testing in Testosterone Data2016/08/29English45
Sex Differences in the Effects of Psychosocial Stress on Cooperative and Prosocial Behavior: Evidence for ‘Flight or Fight’ in Males and ‘Tend and Befriend’ in Females2017/02/28English44
Sex Differences in Competitiveness: Hunter-Gatherer Women and Girls Compete Less in Gender-Neutral and Male-Centric Tasks2014/11/19English39
Social Neuroendocrinology of Status: A Review and Future Directions2015/03/24English39
Hormones, Stress, and Cognition: The Effects of Glucocorticoids and Oxytocin on Memory2014/10/10English38
Before, During, and After: How Phases of Competition Differentially Affect Testosterone, Cortisol, and Estradiol Levels in Women Athletes2015/06/09English38
An Updated Theoretical Framework for Human Sexual Selection: from Ecology, Genetics, and Life History to Extended Phenotypes2018/12/13English35
Facial Masculinity and Beardedness Determine Men’s Explicit, but Not Their Implicit, Responses to Male Dominance2016/05/16English35
Elevated Psychological Stress Predicts Reduced Estradiol Concentrations in Young Women2014/07/29English34
Close Versus Decisive Victory Moderates the Effect of Testosterone Change on Competitive Decisions and Task Enjoyment2014/11/06English33
Longitudinal Perspectives on Fathers’ Residence Status, Time Allocation, and Testosterone in the Philippines2014/12/24English33
Functional Benefits of (Modest) Alcohol Consumption2016/12/28English32
‘Naltrexone Blocks Endorphins Released when Dancing in Synchrony’2017/05/18English30
Women’s Preferences for Men’s Facial Masculinity: Trade-Off Accounts Revisited2017/08/12English29
Vulnerability to Disease as a Predictor of Faster Life History Strategies2016/01/12English28
Sexual Modulation of Testosterone: Insights for Humans from Across Species2014/08/15English28
Is There a Testosterone Awakening Response in Humans?2015/12/07English28
Adversity, Adaptive Calibration, and Health: The Case of Disadvantaged Families2016/02/01English27
Physical Contact and Loneliness: Being Touched Reduces Perceptions of Loneliness2020/05/26English26
Multivariate Intra-Sexual Selection on Men’s Perceptions of Male Facial Morphology2020/03/17English24
Trait Anxiety Moderates the Relationship Between Testosterone Responses to Competition and Aggressive Behavior2014/11/18English23
Cross-Cultural Variation in women’s Preferences for men’s Body Hair2019/01/22English21
Mate Choice Copying in Humans: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis2018/07/24English21
Temperature-Dependent Variation in Self-Reported Contagious Yawning2015/03/05English20
An Examination of the Associations Between Facial Structure, Aggressive Behavior, and Performance in the 2010 World Cup Association Football Players2014/07/11English17
Empathy for the Stressed2016/07/08English17