Abdominal Radiology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A methodological study of 2D shear wave elastography for noninvasive quantitative assessment of renal fibrosis in patients with chronic kidney disease2022/12/24English
Inter-reader reliability of functional liver imaging score derived from gadoxetic acid-enhanced MRI: a meta-analysis2022/12/28English
Dual-energy CT quantitative parameters to evaluate occult peritoneal metastasis in advanced gastric cancer preoperatively2024/04/18English
Magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) outperforms acoustic force radiation impulse (ARFI) in predicting oesophageal varices in obese NAFLD cirrhosis2024/04/23English
Overview of F18-FDG uptake patterns in retroperitoneal pathologies: imaging findings, pitfalls, and artifacts2024/04/23English
Comparison of the efficacy of the gadoxetic acid MRI-derived relative enhancement index (REI) and functional liver imaging score (FLIS) in predicting liver function: validation with Albumin-Bilirubin (ALBI) grade2024/04/23English
Bladder MRI with deep learning-based reconstruction: a prospective evaluation of muscle invasiveness using VI-RADS2024/04/23English
The role of multiparametric magnetic resonance ımaging in the diagnosis of granulomatous prostatitis mimicking prostate cancer2024/04/23English
Inter-reader agreement of pancreatic adenocarcinoma resectability assessment with photon counting versus energy integrating detector CT2024/04/17English
Imaging features of perinephric myxoid pseudotumors of fat2024/04/13English
Prognostic predictive value of urothelial carcinoma of the bladder after TURBT based on multiphase CT radiomics2024/04/15English
Hepatic artery diameter predicts bleeding risk after gastroesophageal varices treatment: a contrast-enhanced CT study2024/04/15English
Prognostic performance of MRI LI-RADS version 2018 features and clinical-pathological factors in alpha-fetoprotein-negative hepatocellular carcinoma2024/04/20English
Deep learning-based arterial subtraction images improve the detection of LR-TR algorithm for viable HCC on extracellular agents-enhanced MRI2024/04/20English
Baseline parenchymal blood volume is a potential prognostic imaging biomarker in patients with malignant liver tumors treated with transarterial chemoembolization2024/04/20English
Multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging of the liver and spleen in Gaucher disease2024/04/20English
Low-grade oncocytic tumor: a review of radiologic and clinical features2024/02/19English
Noninvasive diagnosis of liver cirrhosis: qualitative and quantitative imaging biomarkers2024/02/19English
Gold nanoshells for prostate cancer treatment: evidence for deposition in abdominal organs2024/02/20English
Outcomes of different parenchymal-sparing hepatectomies in patients with colorectal liver metastases and prognostic impact of peritumoral imaging features2023/09/26English
Differentiation between renal epithelioid angiomyolipoma and clear cell renal cell carcinoma using clear cell likelihood score2023/09/25English
Long-term evolution of LR-2, LR-3 and LR-4 observations in HBV-related cirrhosis based on LI-RADS v2018 using gadoxetic acid-enhanced MRI2023/09/23English
Comment to perirenal lymphatics, Abdominal Radiology 2023;48:2615-26272023/09/23English
Morphologic perfusion patterns and PI-RADSv2.1 in transition zone prostate cancer2023/08/28English
Comments on ‘The split-wall sign’2023/08/27English
Artificial intelligence tool detection of intravenous contrast enhancement using spleen attenuation2023/08/27English
Response to “comments on the split-wall sign”2023/08/27English
Determination of prognostic predictors in patients with solitary hepatocellular carcinoma: histogram analysis of multiparametric MRI2023/08/10English
Classics in abdominal imaging: the banana-shaped uterus (unicornuate uterus)2023/09/12English
Magnetic resonance elastography for noninvasive detection of liver fibrosis: is there an added value of 3D acquisition?2023/09/12English