Continental Shelf Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Discharge of the Changjiang (Yangtze River) into the East China Sea1985/01/01English508
Responses of a coastal phytoplankton community to increased nutrient input from the Changjiang (Yangtze) River2008/07/01English444
Turbidity as a control on phytoplankton biomass and productivity in estuaries1987/11/01English441
Sedimentary features of the Yangtze River-derived along-shelf clinoform deposit in the East China Sea2006/11/01English426
Transport and deposition of river sediment in the Changjiang estuary and adjacent continental shelf1985/01/01English426
Transformation of dissolved and particulate materials on continental shelves influenced by large rivers: plume processes2004/05/01English368
Overview of the South China Sea circulation and its influence on the coastal physical oceanography outside the Pearl River Estuary2004/10/01English358
Rates of sediment accumulation and particle reworking based on radiochemical measurements from continental shelf deposits in the East China Sea1985/01/01English323
Transport and transformation of dissolved and particulate materials on continental margins influenced by major rivers: benthic boundary layer and seabed processes2004/05/01English302
Second-order turbulence closure models for geophysical boundary layers. A review of recent work2005/05/01English295
The biogeochemistry of inorganic carbon and nutrients in the Pearl River estuary and the adjacent Northern South China Sea2004/08/01English289
Meteorology and oceanography of the Northern Gulf of Alaska2004/05/01English285
Circulation, water masses, and fluxes on the southeastern Bering Sea shelf1986/01/01English283
Fundamental concepts of exchange and transport time scales in a coastal sea1984/01/01English279
Spatial flow and sedimentation patterns within patches of epibenthic structures: Combining field, flume and modelling experiments2007/05/01English271
Chemical dynamics of the Changjiang estuary1985/01/01English253
Nature of sediment accumulation on the Amazon continental shelf1986/01/01English252
The effects of river discharge and seasonal winds on the shelf off southeastern South America2008/07/01English250
Chemical hydrography and chlorophyll a distribution in the East China Sea in summer: implications in nutrient dynamics1996/10/01English248
Wind-driven coastal upwelling along the western boundary of the Bay of Bengal during the southwest monsoon1991/11/01English246
Sediment discharge of the Yellow River (China) and its effect on the sedimentation of the Bohai and the Yellow Sea1986/01/01English240
A three-year time series of elemental and biochemical composition of organic matter in subtidal sandy sediments of the Ligurian Sea (northwestern Mediterranean)1995/01/01English232
Physical–biological coupling in the Pearl River Estuary2008/07/01English232
Nutrient elements in large Chinese estuaries1996/07/01English221
Diagenesis of Fe and S in Amazon inner shelf muds: apparent dominance of Fe reduction and implications for the genesis of ironstones1986/01/01English218
Interaction of a river plume with coastal upwelling in the northeastern South China Sea2009/03/01English210
Yangtze- and Taiwan-derived sediments on the inner shelf of East China Sea2009/10/01English206
Fjord–shelf exchanges controlled by ice and brine production: The interannual variation of Atlantic Water in Isfjorden, Svalbard2008/08/01English202
Comparison of hypoxia among four river-dominated ocean margins: The Changjiang (Yangtze), Mississippi, Pearl, and Rhône rivers2008/07/01English201
Modern Huanghe-derived muds on the outer shelf of the East China Sea: identification and potential transport mechanisms1985/01/01English201