Optics Letters

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Imaging with terahertz waves1995/08/15English14
Digital holographic microscopy: a noninvasive contrast imaging technique allowing quantitative visualization of living cells with subwavelength axial accuracy2005/03/01English13
Mechanical equivalence of spin and orbital angular momentum of light: an optical spanner1997/01/01English13
Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy of water vapor1989/10/15English13
Generation of optical phase singularities by computer-generated holograms1992/02/01English13
Scanning coherent anti-Stokes Raman microscope1982/08/01English13
Writing waveguides in glass with a femtosecond laser1996/11/01English12
Noise suppression in femtosecond mid-infrared light sources2000/12/15English12
Method of obtaining optical sectioning by using structured light in a conventional microscope1997/12/15English12
Even fluorescence excitation by multidirectional selective plane illumination microscopy (mSPIM)2007/08/27English12
Modeling of octave-spanning Kerr frequency combs using a generalized mean-field Lugiato–Lefever model2012/12/21English12
085  PW laser operation at 33  Hz and high-contrast ultrahigh-intensity λ = 400  nm second-harmonic beamline2017/09/22English12
Exact solution to simultaneous intensity and phase encryption with a single phase-only hologram2013/09/05English12
Two-dimensional Fourier transform spectroscopy in the pump-probe geometry2007/10/05English11
Generation of a radially polarized laser beam by use of a conical Brewster prism2005/11/15English11
42  PW, 20  fs Ti:sapphire laser at 01  Hz2017/05/16English11
Guiding and confining light in void nanostructure2004/06/01English11
Two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy with a continuum probe2009/04/23English11
Discovery of the soliton self-frequency shift1986/10/01English11
60-fsec pulse generation from a self-mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser1991/01/01English11
Improved signal-to-noise ratio in spectral-domain compared with time-domain optical coherence tomography2003/11/01English11
Optical fiber long-period grating sensors1996/05/01English11
Z-scan measurement of the nonlinear refractive index of graphene2012/05/21English11
Compact diode-pumped 11 kW Yb:YAG Innoslab femtosecond amplifier2010/12/13English11
Vibrationally resolved sum-frequency generation with broad-bandwidth infrared pulses1998/10/15English11
10.4  kW coherently combined ultrafast fiber laser2020/05/28English11
Flexible approach to vibrational sum-frequency generation using shaped near-infrared light2018/04/23English10
High-performance and linear thin-film lithium niobate Mach–Zehnder modulators on silicon up to 50  GHz2016/12/07English10
Multiplexed fiber Bragg grating strain-sensor system with a fiber Fabry–Perot wavelength filter1993/08/15English10
In vivo retinal imaging by optical coherence tomography1993/11/01English10