Current Osteoporosis Reports

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Diabetes and Its Effect on Bone and Fracture Healing2015/08/09English307
Muscle, Bone, and Fat Crosstalk: the Biological Role of Myokines, Osteokines, and Adipokines2020/06/12English225
The RANKL/RANK/OPG pathway2007/09/01English221
Falls: Epidemiology, pathophysiology, and relationship to fracture2008/11/25English199
MicroRNA Functions in Osteogenesis and Dysfunctions in Osteoporosis2013/04/23English167
Vitamin D and Bone2012/04/29English159
Mechanisms of Osteoarthritis (OA) Pain2018/08/28English154
Chronic Recurrent Multifocal Osteomyelitis (CRMO): Presentation, Pathogenesis, and Treatment2017/10/27English151
Proinflammatory cytokines and osteoporosis2009/11/29English151
Diet, Gut Microbiome, and Bone Health2015/01/25English146
High-Resolution Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography for the Assessment of Bone Strength and Structure: A Review by the Canadian Bone Strength Working Group2013/03/24English145
Extending DXA beyond bone mineral density: Understanding hip structure analysis2007/06/01English143
Effects of Aging on Fracture Healing2017/11/16English142
Prebiotic and Probiotic Regulation of Bone Health: Role of the Intestine and its Microbiome2015/09/30English138
The Role of the Immune Cells in Fracture Healing2018/03/05English136
Bone Loss in Diabetes: Use of Antidiabetic Thiazolidinediones and Secondary Osteoporosis2010/09/01English130
Advanced Glycation End Products, Diabetes, and Bone Strength2016/10/04English128
Pathways for Bone Loss in Inflammatory Disease2012/04/25English127
Osteocyte Mechanobiology2017/06/13English125
Altered Central Sensitization and Pain Modulation in the CNS in Chronic Joint Pain2015/05/31English125
Osteoimmunology in Bone Fracture Healing2017/06/24English125
Aging, Osteocytes, and Mechanotransduction2017/09/11English122
Osteocyte Signaling in Bone2012/05/03English121
The role of the collagen matrix in skeletal fragility2007/06/01English120
Effects of Bone Matrix Proteins on Fracture and Fragility in Osteoporosis2012/04/27English120
GNAS Spectrum of Disorders2015/04/08English118
Clinical Imaging of Bone Microarchitecture with HR-pQCT2013/03/16English116
Mechanism of action of bisphosphonates2003/09/01English115
Osteoporosis and Periodontitis2016/09/30English113
TNF and Bone Remodeling2017/05/05English113