Journal of International Management

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Business groups' outward FDI: A managerial resources perspective2010/06/01English104
Subsidiary roles and reverse knowledge transfer: An investigation of the effects of coordination mechanisms2011/06/01English103
Local stakeholders and local legitimacy: MNEs' social strategies in emerging economies2012/03/01English102
Assurance of security in maritime supply chains: Conceptual issues of vulnerability and crisis management2005/12/01English98
Motivations for corporate social and environmental responsibility: A case study of Scandinavian Airlines2008/12/01English97
Toward a perspective of cultural friction in international business2011/03/01English96
Global Crisis Management – Current Research and Future Directions2018/09/01English95
Added Psychic Distance Stimuli and MNE Performance2014/03/01English95
Developing new innovation models: Shifts in the innovation landscapes in emerging economies and implications for global R&D management2009/09/01English95
Internationalization Orientation in SMEs: The Mediating Role of Technological Innovation2019/03/01English94
Cross-border R&D alliances, absorptive capacity and technology learning2005/09/01English92
Strategic agility in international business: A conceptual framework for “agile” multinationals2021/03/01English92
Patterns of knowledge flows and MNE innovative performance2004/01/01English91
Institutional factors affecting offshore business process and information technology outsourcing2007/03/01English91
Culture as a consequence: A multi-level multivariate meta-analysis of the effects of individual and country characteristics on work-related cultural values2010/09/01English90
International business and institutional development in Central and Eastern Europe2008/03/01English90
Internationalization paths of Indian pharmaceutical firms — A strategic group analysis2007/09/01English89
A learning perspective on the offshoring of advanced services2009/06/01English89
Modelling Russian outward FDI2010/06/01English88
Toward a learning-based view of internationalization: The accelerated trajectories of cross-border learning for latecomers2010/03/01English87
A coopetition perspective of MNC–host government relations2004/01/01English84
The influence of patent protection on firm innovation investment in manufacturing industries2007/06/01English84
Sequence of value-added activities in the multinationalization of developing country firms2007/09/01English83
Curvilinear relationship between cultural distance and equity participation: An empirical analysis of cross-border acquisitions2011/12/01English83
An Empirical Investigation of Terrorism-induced Stress on Expatriate Attitudes and Performance2013/06/01English80
Internationalization and Performance of Firms in China: Moderating Effects of Governance Structure and the Degree of Centralized Control2013/06/01English80
Experience and FDI Risk-taking: A Microfoundational Reconceptualization2016/06/01English78
Subsidiary role development: The effect of micro-political headquarters–subsidiary negotiations on the product, market and value-added scope of foreign-owned subsidiaries2006/09/01English78
Internationalization of small and medium sized enterprises in the Baltic Sea Region2008/03/01English78
Case study methodology: causal explanation, contextualization, and theorizing2013/06/01English76