International Journal of Technology and Design Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Exploring the impact of the direct experience of architecture precedents: a study of master student teams2024/03/11English
Online education in design disciplines: factors influencing the interactive experience of group learning2024/02/28English
Co-making the future: crafting tomorrow with insights and perspectives from the China-U.S. young maker competition2024/02/28English
A systematic literature review of student evaluation of peer exemplars and implications for design, Technology, and Engineering Learning2024/01/16English
How are Chinese traditional handicraft skills inherited from master to apprentice?2023/12/12English
Investigating the impacts of differentiated stimulus materials in a learning by evaluating activity2024/01/05English
Critiquing contemporary interior design students2024/01/18English
Factors influencing Swedish grades 4–6 technology teachers’ choice of teaching and learning material in programming education2023/10/24English
An empirical study on immersive technology in synchronous hybrid learning in design education2023/10/24English
Subject(s) matter: a grounded theory of technology teachers’ conceptions of the purpose of teaching technology2023/10/21English
Exploring the nature and role of student-to-student talk and questioning among young children in technology and design education2023/10/10English
Learning by Evaluating (LbE): promoting meaningful reasoning in the context of engineering design thinking using Adaptive Comparative Judgment (ACJ)2023/10/11English
Teaching requirements: Can a short lecture make a real difference?2024/03/15English
The impact of STEM curriculum on students’ engineering design abilities and attitudes toward STEM2024/03/18English
Kindergarten Teachers’ Perceptions of AI Literacy Education for Young Children2024/03/15English
“Documentation is now so ingrained in me”: how students interpret and value documentation in creative learning domains2024/03/23English
The relationship between the teacher’s approach to teaching and the student’s attitude toward technology in Croatian primary schools2024/01/17English
Supporting informed engineering practices in the elementary classroom: examining teachers’ approaches to scaffolding2023/06/27English
The influence of an engineering design-based STEM course on pre-service science teachers’ understanding of STEM disciplines and engineering design process2023/06/20English
HCCI tool: a lens to support industrial designers during the conceptualisation of smart products2022/12/28English
A multimodal study of augmented reality in the architectural design studio2024/04/18English
Empowering teachers’ professional development with e-textiles supported educational STEAM projects2024/04/18English
Correlation analysis between sub-element of technological thinking disposition and computational thinking of gifted students in South Korea2024/04/18English
Design criticism and eye movement strategy in reading: a comparative study of design and non-design students2024/04/23English
The effect of a STEM integrated curriculum on design thinking dispositions in middle school students2024/04/13English
The pecking order: a Bourdieusian look at authority in virtual peer crits2024/04/23English
Research on the design and implementation of primary school STEM project based on VR coursewares2023/09/11English
Digitizing creativity evaluation in design education: a systematic literature review2023/07/28English
The impact of design-based science instruction on students’ science achievement and science process skills2023/07/28English
Eight-year-olds’ naïve and acquired knowledge about computer viruses: a mixed methods study2023/08/09English