English for Specific Purposes

Title Publication Date Language Citations
As can be seen: Lexical bundles and disciplinary variation2008/01/01English371
Lexical bundles in published and student disciplinary writing: Examples from history and biology2004/01/01English255
Lexical bundles in university spoken and written registers2007/01/01English212
Hedges and textual communicative function in medical English written discourse1994/01/01English206
Rhetorical structure of biochemistry research articles2005/01/01English176
A genre-based investigation of the discussion sections in articles and dissertations1988/01/01English170
Hedging in academic writing and EAF textbooks1994/01/01English148
English as a lingua franca in Nordic corporate mergers: Two case companies2005/01/01English148
Hooking the reader: a corpus study of evaluative that in abstracts2005/01/01English147
Recurrent word combinations in academic writing by native and non-native speakers of English: A lexical bundles approach2012/04/01English142
Meeting the challenges of English-medium higher education: The first-year experience in Hong Kong2011/07/01English138
English as a lingua franca in international business contexts2005/01/01English136
A corpus-based EAP course for NNS doctoral students: Moving from available specialized corpora to self-compiled corpora2006/01/01English134
An exploration of a genre set: Research article abstracts and introductions in two disciplines2005/01/01English131
The apprenticeship approach to advanced academic literacy: Graduate students and their mentors1994/01/01English129
A genre analysis of the results section of sociology articles1994/01/01English118
The textual organisation of research article introductions in applied linguistics: Variability within a single discipline2007/01/01English111
Voice in academic writing: The rhetorical construction of author identity in blind manuscript review2007/01/01English110
On RA abstracts: from rhetorical structure to thematic organisation2004/01/01English105
Genre analysis, ESP and professional practice2008/01/01English101
Is academic writing becoming more informal?2017/01/01English99
The schematic structure of literature reviews in doctoral theses of applied linguistics2006/01/01English96
Structural patterns in empirical research articles: A cross-disciplinary study2012/07/01English95
Phraseological patterns in reporting clauses used in citation: A corpus-based study of theses in two disciplines2006/01/01English91
The lexical profile of academic spoken English2014/01/01English83
Visible and occluded citation features in postgraduate second-language writing2006/01/01English81
Stance and engagement in pure mathematics research articles: Linking discourse features to disciplinary practices2012/07/01English79
“In this paper we suggest”: Changing patterns of disciplinary metadiscourse2018/07/01English79
Friend or foe? Google Translate in language for academic purposes2015/01/01English78
Reporting verbs in medical journal articles1994/01/01English76