International Journal of Speech Technology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Low rank sparse decomposition model based speech enhancement using gammatone filterbank and Kullback–Leibler divergence2018/03/08English11
Arabic phonemes recognition using hybrid LVQ/HMM model for continuous speech recognition2016/05/20English11
Constructing accurate and robust HMM/GMM models for an Arabic speech recognition system2017/09/20English11
Neural network based feature transformation for emotion independent speaker identification2012/06/08English11
Effect of aging on speech features and phoneme recognition: a study on Bengali voicing vowels2012/06/14English11
Automatic analysis of dialect/language sets2015/01/14English11
Subsegmental, segmental and suprasegmental processing of linear prediction residual for speaker information2010/12/21English11
Speaker verification under degraded condition: a perceptual study2011/10/13English11
New audio encryption package for TV cloud computing2014/10/10English11
Resource utilization enhancemnet through live virtual machine migration in cloud using ant colony optimization algorithm2020/02/11English11
Modification of energy spectra, epoch parameters and prosody for emotion conversion in speech2016/10/27English11
Enhancing accuracy of long contextual dependencies for Punjabi speech recognition system using deep LSTM2021/02/09English11
Development of music emotion classification system using convolution neural network2020/11/26English11
Arabic isolated word recognition system using hybrid feature extraction techniques and neural network2017/11/23English11
Cross-word Arabic pronunciation variation modeling for speech recognition2011/07/01English11
Automatic speech recognition in neurodegenerative disease2021/05/04English11
English speech emotion recognition method based on speech recognition2022/02/08English11
Early reflection detection using autocorrelation to improve robustness of speaker verification in reverberant conditions2019/10/11English11
Emotion recognition using semi-supervised feature selection with speaker normalization2015/02/04English11
Investigating the psychometric properties of the Speech User Interface Service Quality questionnaire2015/07/05English10
Spectral slope based analysis and classification of stressed speech2011/08/09English10
A multi-tier security system (SAIL) for protecting audio signals from malicious exploits2018/04/13English10
Mitigate the reverberation effect on the speaker verification performance using different methods2020/11/18English10
Toward an automatic speech recognition system for amazigh-tarifit language2019/04/29English10
Recent developments in spoken term detection: a survey2013/12/14English10
Pitch adaptive MFCC features for improving children’s mismatched ASR2015/07/21English10
Development and evaluation of online text-independent speaker verification system for remote person authentication2012/06/20English10
Indonesian graphemic syllabification using a nearest neighbour classifier and recovery procedure2018/11/08English10
Towards statistical modelling of translators’ activity data2009/11/04English10
Automatic speaker verification systems and spoof detection techniques: review and analysis2021/08/16English10