International Journal of Speech Technology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Speaker recognition under stressed condition2010/06/03English16
Modelling speech emotion recognition using logistic regression and decision trees2017/09/19English16
Persian speech recognition using deep learning2020/11/06English16
Text-independent speaker identification based on selection of the most similar feature vectors2016/11/22English16
Multiclass classification of Parkinson’s disease using different classifiers and LLBFS feature selection algorithm2017/02/01English16
Identifying speakers using their emotion cues2011/01/26English16
Filterbank optimization for robust ASR using GA and PSO2012/02/09English16
Talking condition recognition in stressful and emotional talking environments based on CSPHMM2s2014/08/31English16
Pitch synchronous and glottal closure based speech analysis for language recognition2013/04/12English16
Arabic broadcast news transcription system2007/12/01English16
Efficient audio cryptosystem based on chaotic maps and double random phase encoding2015/10/08English15
Audio steganalysis using deep belief networks2016/07/21English15
Study of feature combination using HMM and SVM for multilingual Odiya speech emotion recognition2015/03/03English15
Database development and automatic speech recognition of isolated Pashto spoken digits using MFCC and K-NN2015/01/08English15
i-Vectors in speech processing applications: a survey2015/08/06English15
Robust emotion recognition from speech: Gamma tone features and models2018/08/04English15
An Automatic System for Detecting Prosodic Prominence in American English Continuous Speech2005/01/01English15
Speech enhancement and encoding by combining SS-VAD and LPC2021/01/02English15
An automatic speech recognition system for spontaneous Punjabi speech corpus2017/04/09English14
Expressive speech synthesis: a review2012/10/24English14
Application of prosody models for developing speech systems in Indian languages2010/12/11English14
Robust noise MKMFCC–SVM automatic speaker identification2018/02/14English14
Natural Language Processing Based Sentimental Analysis of Hindi (SAH) Script an Optimization Approach2020/07/09English14
Speaker identification based on normalized pitch frequency and Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients2018/09/17English14
Application intelligent search and recommendation system based on speech recognition technology2020/04/15English14
Robust acoustic bird recognition for habitat monitoring with wireless sensor networks2016/07/27English14
Design and performance of closed form method for cosine modulated filter bank using different windows functions2014/07/19English14
Investigation Amazigh speech recognition using CMU tools2014/02/02English14
Bayesian on-line spectral change point detection: a soft computing approach for on-line ASR2011/10/11English14
Enhancements in automatic Kannada speech recognition system by background noise elimination and alternate acoustic modelling2020/01/22English14