Applied Mobilities

Title Publication Date Language Citations
‘The Future of Mobilities’.Reflections on the joint cosmobilities/T2M conference 2015 in Caserta/ Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Italy2016/01/02English
The gendered mobilities of sex work2016/10/25English
Underground tales, overground lives: mobile work identities through to post-retirement2018/08/07English
Mobilization – a new concept in analysing transport system dynamics, or how security and mobility are melded to trigger change2018/07/15English
A socio-ecologically sustainable mobility regime: can we move beyond the car? Editorial for the special issue “Shapes of socio-ecologically sustainable mobility regimes”2022/06/21English
Going on a ride with Lefebvre: everyday contestation of platform mobilities in Mumbai2022/10/29English
Mobile Caring-Work: Volunteer homelessness outreach on the streets of Brighton & Hove (UK)2021/08/17English
Congested metro materialities: how platform escalators afford “friction” in the Copenhagen Metro2022/03/02English
Change of residence, change of media and information usage? The relation between residential mobility, spatial identification and media and information repertoire2022/03/03English
Healthy Mobilities? 13th Cosmobilities Conference 29th November to 2nd December 2018 Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China2018/01/02English
Experiments and dialogue are pushing agendas2018/01/02English
Walkable streets “FOR the PEOPLE” “BY the PEOPLE”2017/11/10English
Mobility as a distinctive practice2016/12/20English
Text messaging as a near synchronous method of remote support in outdoor adventurous settings2017/07/25English
Selecting a place of rest after a life on the move: determinants of post-mortal mobility in Sweden2017/05/22English
Book review essay: sharing mobilities in the global fringes2018/01/02English
Sensing the past along Britain’s A roads2024/02/29English
Walking borders, risk and belonging: the walking interview as biographical method and doing mobility justice2024/02/28English
Contouring the mobile risk society2024/04/03English
Sweet surrender? Changing autonomobile structures of feeling2024/04/09English
Migration, abjection and visibility: the photographic projects of Sam Ivin, Melanie Friend and Yetunde Adebiyi2023/10/24English
How do e-bikes compete with the other modes of transport? Investigating multiple dimensions of a modal shift2024/03/20English
Far from the “dreaming spires”: staging active travel in suburban Oxford, UK2024/01/02English
Fale Pili : a Tuvaluan perspective on mobility justice2024/01/23English
The Bench - exploring exclusionary design through arts practices2023/07/10English
Gendered migration infrastructure and socio-spatial rupture: Indian women’s migration experiences to the United Arab Emirates2024/04/22English
Migration infrastructures and (Im)mobile lives: interruptions, failures, and repairs2024/04/17English
Triggers for feelings of insecurity and perceptions of safety in relation to public transport; the experiences of young and active travellers2024/02/19English
Applied (im)mobilities in turbulent times: transdisciplinarity, creativity and mobility justice2023/09/23English
Does automation strengthen the ‘system of automobility’? Critical considerations and alternatives to connected and automated vehicles2023/07/03English