South Asian Review

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Marathi Correlatives: A Conspectus1982/07/01English2
Remembering the Bengal Partition: Trauma and the “slow violence” of refugee existence2015/12/01English2
Toward a “Post-National” Community in Pakistan and the Failures of the ModernistBildungsroman2012/07/01English2
Colonial Woes in Post-Colonial Writing: Chitra Divakaruni's Immigrant Narratives2003/11/01English2
Articulating Dissident Citizenship, Belonging, and Queerness on Cyberspace2014/12/01English2
Buried Alive: The Gothic Carceral in Naipaul's Fiction2005/11/01English2
Sanatana Dharma and (Post)modernity2009/09/01English2
“The Reluctant Guru”: R. K. Narayan and The Guide2003/11/01English2
Honor Killing2010/12/02English2
Secular Interventions and Religious Otherness: Interstitial Spaces and Liminal Hybridities inMr. and Mrs. Iyer2009/09/01English2
Garbo and Kuchela at the Palace Talkies in Malgudi: Women and Modernity in R.K. Narayan's The Dark Room2012/07/01English2
Talkative Man:R.K. Narayan's Consummate Performance of Narayan2002/12/01English2
Constructing “Home”: Eros, Thanatos, and Migration in the Novels of Anita Rau Badami2008/06/01English2
Devouring the Map: Diasporas, Discourses, Discrimination, and Banglo-Indians2011/12/01English2
Mutations of the Calcutta Chromosome? Amitav Ghosh and the Mapping of a “Minor” Literature2011/11/01English2
Reminiscences: Selected Letters of Mulk Raj Anand2005/12/01English2
Shifting Grounds: Identity, Partition, and the Anglo-Indian Subject of History2006/02/01English2
Provincializing America: Engaging Postcolonial Critique and Asian American Studies in a Transnational Mode2005/12/01English2
“The fetishism of the original”: Anglo-Indian history and literature in I. Allan Sealy'sThe Trotter-Nama2003/11/01English2
Interpreters of Cultural Difference: The Use of Children in Jhumpa Lahiri's Short Fiction2003/11/01English2
Fractured Resistance: Queer Negotiations of the Postcolonial in R. Raj Rao's The Boyfriend2012/10/01English2
Beyond Autoethnography: Fictocriticism as a Feminist Writing Strategy2013/12/01English2
On the Genesis of Untouchable: A Note by Mulk Raj Anand1991/07/01English2
De/Re/Mystification of Tibet inThe Mandala of Sherlock Holmes2013/10/01English2
Strikethrough Calcutta: Poetics and Politics of Interruption in Satyajit Ray's and Mrinal Sen's Calcutta Trilogies2015/05/01English2
Re-Mapping the Anxieties of the Gulf Diaspora: A Study of Benyamin's Goat Days2015/11/01English2
South Asian Digital Humanities Then and Now2019/05/13English2
Digital Humanities on the Ground: Post-Access Politics and the Second Wave of Digital Humanities2019/06/19English2
The Terror of the Turban: Civilians, Suspects and Twenty Years Post 9/112021/03/17English2
Between Glaciers and Fossils: Landscape, Literature and the Anthropocene in Pakistan2021/03/03English2