Annals of Functional Analysis

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Inner-outer factorization on $\mathcal{Q}_p$ spaces2015/01/01English
Closed discs, half planes and spectral states in l.m.c. algebras2015/01/01English
Refining and reversing the Fenchel inequality in convex analysis2019/05/01English
The Tychonoff theorem and invariant pseudodistances2019/05/01English
Partial hypoellipticity for a class of abstract differential complexes on Banach space scales2019/05/01English
Product of quasihomogeneous Toeplitz operators on the pluriharmonic Bergman space of the polydisk2019/02/01English
Decompositions of completely bounded maps into completely positive maps involving trace class operators2019/02/01English
Generalized frames for controlled operators in Hilbert spaces2019/11/01English
Weakly $${p}$$-Dunford Pettis sets in $$ {L_1(\mu ,X)}$$2020/10/23English
On automorphism groups of Hardy algebras2020/06/16English
Singular value inequalities involving convex and concave functions of positive semidefinite matrices2020/07/16English
Beurling-type invariant subspaces of the Poletsky–Stessin–Hardy spaces in the bidisc2021/06/01English
A more accurate half-discrete Hilbert-type inequality in the whole plane and the reverses2021/06/29English
Ground state solutions for a fractional system involving critical non-linearities2022/06/18English
Global behavior and nontrivial solutions for discrete Sturm–Liouville problems with eigenparameter-dependent boundary condition2021/11/25English
Remarks on the K-theory of C*-algebras of products of odometers2021/03/11English
The extension problem in free harmonic analysis2022/05/24English
Singular integrals on $$C_{w^*}^{1,\alpha }$$ regular curves in Banach duals2022/04/01English
Absolute compatibility and poincaré sphere2022/05/07English
On partial orders of operators2022/12/23English
Generalization of some commutative perturbation results2022/11/17English
Some notes on weaving frames in Hilbert spaces2022/12/12English
Construction of solutions for a critical Grushin problem with competing potentials2022/07/21English
Spectrum of differential operators with elliptic adjoint on a scale of localized Sobolev spaces2022/08/04English
Scattering for a focusing Hartree equation2022/08/04English
Contractibility of vector-valued Köthe echelon algebras2022/08/16English
Isometries of ultrametric normed spaces2021/09/15English
Hyperinvariant subspaces for sets of polynomially compact operators2022/09/29English
Approximation properties of modified Gamma operators preserving $$t^{\vartheta }$$2022/02/16English
Generalized slant Toeplitz operators on the derivative Hardy space $$S^2({\mathbb {D}})$$2022/02/02English