Library & Information Science Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Everyday life information seeking: Approaching information seeking in the context of “way of life”1995/06/01English466
“If it is too inconvenient I'm not going after it:” Convenience as a critical factor in information-seeking behaviors2011/07/01English155
Use of library space and the library as place2012/04/01English124
Social inclusion of newcomers to Canada: An information problem?2005/06/01English116
Attaining information literacy: An investigation of the relationship between skill level, self-estimates of skill, and library anxiety2007/09/01English114
How high-school students find and evaluate scientific information: A basis for information literacy skills development2009/01/01English111
Public library computer training for older adults to access high-quality Internet health information2009/09/01English109
How do public libraries function as meeting places?2010/01/01English108
Research data management services in academic research libraries and perceptions of librarians2014/04/01English107
International students' everyday life information seeking: The informational value of social networking sites2013/04/01English99
Search log analysis: What it is, what's been done, how to do it2006/09/01English92
Research agenda for social Q&A2009/12/01English90
An analysis of faculty perceptions: Attitudes toward knowledge sharing and collaboration in an academic institution2008/12/01English90
Research methods in library and information science: A content analysis2015/01/01English89
Time as a context of information seeking2006/03/01English87
Trends in information behavior research, 1999–2008: A content analysis2011/01/01English84
How experts and novices search the Web2005/03/01English80
Do public libraries contribute to social capital?2010/04/01English76
People, places, and questions: An investigation of the everyday life information-seeking behaviors of urban young adults2005/03/01English74
Public libraries: A meeting place for immigrant women?2011/07/01English69
Discourse analysis as a research method in library and information science1994/03/01English68
Factors influencing information needs among cancer patients: A meta-analysis2006/03/01English66
Are we there yet?: Mixed methods research in library and information science2008/12/01English66
Social software as support in hybrid learning environments: The value of the blog as a tool for reflective learning and peer support2007/06/01English66
A study of Web 2.0 applications in library websites2010/07/01English66
Innovation in academic libraries: An analysis of university librarians' perspectives2012/01/01English65
Pixels or pencils? The relative effectiveness of Web-based versus paper surveys2004/12/01English64
Emotions as motivators for information seeking: A conceptual analysis2014/01/01English64
Empirical research methods reported in high-profile LIS journal literature2008/06/01English64
Global perspectives of research data sharing: A systematic literature review2019/04/01English63