Soils and Foundations

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Steady State of Sandy Soils1996/06/01English584
Initial Fabrics and their Relations to Mechanical Properties of Granular Material1972/03/01English549
Finite Element Slope Stability Analysis by Shear Strength Reduction Technique1992/03/01English526
Similitude for Shaking Table Tests on Soil-Structure-Fluid Model in 1g Gravitational Field1989/03/01English512
Undrained Deformation and Liquefaction of Sand Under Cyclic Stresses1975/03/01English497
Unified Dynamic Shear Moduli and Damping Ratios of Sand and Clay1993/03/01English414
Cyclic Triaxial Test of Dynamic Soil Properties for Wide Strain Range1980/06/01English375
A Comprehensive Constitutive Equation for Granular Materials1996/03/01English375
Evaluation of Settlements in Sand Deposits Following Liquefaction During Earthquakes1992/03/01English367
Microscopic Particle Crushing of Sand Subjected to High Pressure One-Dimensional Compression2001/02/01English307
Calibration of a Comprehensive Hypoplastic Model for Granular Materials1996/03/01English300
Observational Procedure of Settlement Prediction1978/12/01English299
Mechanical and dissociation properties of methane hydrate-bearing sand in deep seabed2013/04/01English296
Fabric Tensor for Discontinuous Geological Materials1982/12/01English293
Effects of Principal Stress Direction and Intermediate Principal Stress on Undrained Shear Behavior of Sand1998/09/01English291
Shear Moduli of Sands under Cyclic Torsional Shear Loading1978/03/01English289
Stress-Induced Anisotropy in Granular Masses1985/09/01English288
One-Dimensional Compression Behaviour of Uniformly Graded Sand Related to Single Particle Crushing Strength2001/04/01English277
Engineering Behavior of Cement Stabilized Clay at High Water Content2001/10/01English273
A Simple Gauge for Local Small Strain Measurements in the Laboratory1991/03/01English267
Empirical Correlation of Soil Liquefaction Based on SPT N-Value and Fines Content1983/12/01English264
Strength and Deformation Characteristics of Sand in Plane Strain Compression at Extremely Low Pressures1986/03/01English261
The Mechanism of Fabric Changes During Compressional Deformation of Sand1972/06/01English261
Frictional Resistance at Yield between Dry Sand and Mild Steel1986/12/01English253
Methods to Estimate Lateral Force Acting on Stabilizing Piles1975/12/01English253
Effects of Grain Size and Grading on Dynamic Shear Moduli of Sands1977/09/01English251
Sand Response to Cyclic Rotation of Principal Stress Directions as Induced by Wave Loads1983/12/01English250
Influential Factors of Friction Between Steel and Dry Sands1986/06/01English249
Experimental Study of Anisotropic Shear Strength of Sand by Plane Strain Test1978/03/01English243
Deformation Behavior of Anisotropic Dense Sand Under Principal Stress Axes Rotation1986/03/01English237