Expert Systems with Applications

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A fuzzy VIKOR method for supplier selection based on entropy measure for objective weighting2011/09/01English459
Bankruptcy prediction using support vector machine with optimal choice of kernel function parameters2005/05/01English459
Grey system theory-based models in time series prediction2010/03/01English453
Deep learning algorithms for human activity recognition using mobile and wearable sensor networks: State of the art and research challenges2018/09/01English449
Fuzzy TOPSIS method based on alpha level sets with an application to bridge risk assessment2006/08/01English449
Fuzzy DEMATEL method for developing supplier selection criteria2011/03/01English446
An improved grey wolf optimizer for solving engineering problems2021/03/01English444
A performance evaluation model by integrating fuzzy AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS methods2010/12/01English442
Weapon selection using the AHP and TOPSIS methods under fuzzy environment2009/05/01English430
Neural networks and statistical techniques: A review of applications2009/01/01English428
Expert system methodologies and applications—a decade review from 1995 to 20042005/01/01English422
Predicting stock and stock price index movement using Trend Deterministic Data Preparation and machine learning techniques2015/01/01English419
Online-SVR for short-term traffic flow prediction under typical and atypical traffic conditions2009/04/01English406
A boosted decision tree approach using Bayesian hyper-parameter optimization for credit scoring2017/07/01English403
Ensemble of keyword extraction methods and classifiers in text classification2016/09/01English400
Educational data mining: A survey from 1995 to 20052007/07/01English399
Fuzzy failure modes and effects analysis by using fuzzy TOPSIS-based fuzzy AHP2012/01/01English394
Least squares twin support vector machines for pattern classification2009/05/01English389
An application of support vector machines in bankruptcy prediction model2005/01/01English388
An artificial neural network (p,d,q) model for timeseries forecasting2010/01/01English385
Supplier selection using fuzzy AHP and fuzzy multi-objective linear programming for developing low carbon supply chain2012/07/01English382
Predicting direction of stock price index movement using artificial neural networks and support vector machines: The sample of the Istanbul Stock Exchange2011/05/01English380
Automatic detection of epileptic seizures in EEG using discrete wavelet transform and approximate entropy2009/03/01English377
Whale Optimization Algorithm and Moth-Flame Optimization for multilevel thresholding image segmentation2017/10/01English375
Credit scoring with a data mining approach based on support vector machines2007/11/01English374
Using artificial neural network models in stock market index prediction2011/08/01English372
Feature selection using Joint Mutual Information Maximisation2015/12/01English371
INFO: An efficient optimization algorithm based on weighted mean of vectors2022/06/01English369
A review of fuzzy AHP methods for decision-making with subjective judgements2020/12/01English367
Improving sentiment analysis via sentence type classification using BiLSTM-CRF and CNN2017/04/01English362