Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Optical properties of graphene2008/10/01692
The LHCb Simulation Application, Gauss: Design, Evolution and Experience2011/12/23605
An Overview of Overfitting and its Solutions2019/02/01555
Discriminant Validity Assessment: Use of Fornell & Larcker criterion versus HTMT Criterion2017/09/01467
A SAXS/WAXS/GISAXS Beamline with Multilayer Monochromator2010/10/01433
Handling of the generation of primary events in Gauss, the LHCb simulation framework2011/12/23373
Power requirement for accessing the H-mode in ITER2008/07/01345
LiteRed 1.4: a powerful tool for reduction of multiloop integrals2014/06/06326
Modified gravity and its reconstruction from the universe expansion history2007/05/01316
The open science grid2007/07/01313
Raman scattering in nanosized nickel oxide NiO2007/12/01306
Multicollinearity and Regression Analysis2017/12/01305
Active Thermochemical Tables: thermochemistry for the 21st century2005/01/01299
SciNet: Lessons Learned from Building a Power-efficient Top-20 System and Data Centre2010/11/01289
Larch: An Analysis Package for XAFS and Related Spectroscopies2013/04/22224
A comparison of TEM and DLS methods to characterize size distribution of ceramic nanoparticles2016/07/01223
Conical flow induced by quenched QCD jets2005/01/01219
Cosmological constant and vacuum energy: old and new ideas2013/08/16214
Quantum coherence in biological systems2011/07/20199
The LIGO Open Science Center2015/05/11186
SEQUOIA: A Newly Operating Chopper Spectrometer at the SNS2010/11/01176
Machine Learning from Theory to Algorithms: An Overview2018/11/01168
Confronting LHC data with the statistical hadronization model2014/05/07167
International Conference on Recent Trends in Physics 2016 (ICRTP2016)2016/10/01164
HoĊ™ava-Lifshitz gravity: a status report2011/02/01162
Inkjet printing - the physics of manipulating liquid jets and drops2008/03/01159
Mobile quantum gravity sensor with unprecedented stability2016/06/01158
PyFAI, a versatile library for azimuthal regrouping2013/03/22157
The Casimir effect: From quantum to critical fluctuations2009/04/01157
Novel XAFS capabilities at ELETTRA synchrotron light source2009/11/01156