Amerasia Journal

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Forking Paths: How Shall We Mourn the Dead?2005/01/01English14
Southeast Asian Refugees in the “Silicon Valley”: The Asian Health Assessment Project1985/01/01English14
Immigrant Recruitment into the Labor Force: Social Networks among Filipinos in Hawaii1986/01/01English14
This Tree Needs Water!: A Case Study on the Radical Potential of Afro-Asian Solidarity in the Era of Black Lives Matter2019/05/04English14
Ethnic Attachment among Second Generation Korean Adolescents1999/01/01English13
Invisible Americans: An Exploration of Indo-American Quality of Life1995/01/01English13
Sweeping Racism under the Rug of “Censorship”: The Controversy over Lois-Ann Yamanaka's Blu's Hanging2000/01/01English13
Local Story: The Massie Case Narrative and the Cultural Production of Local Identity in Hawai'i2000/01/01English13
Small Business and Japanese American Ethnic Solidarity1975/07/01English13
Fluid Terror Threat2018/04/01English12
College and Notions of “Asian American”: Second-Generation Chinese and Korean Americans Negotiate Race and Identity1999/01/01English12
Chinatown Unemployment and the Ethnic Labor Market1984/04/01English12
Asian Americans: Model Minority or Double Minority?1989/01/01English12
Problems of Interpersonal Style among the Nisei1986/01/01English12
Perceptions of Panethnicity among Asian American High School Students1996/01/01English11
Korean Americans and the “Success” Image: A Critique1983/10/01English11
Race-ing and Being Raced: The Critical Interrogation of “Passing”1997/01/01English11
Beyond the “Boat People”: Ethnicization of American Life1989/01/01English11
Re/signing “Asian American”: Rhetorical Problematics of Nation1995/01/01English10
Jewish and Korean Merchants in African American Neighborhoods: A Comparative Perspective1993/01/01English10
Jade Snow Wong and the Fate of Chinese-American Identity1971/03/01English10
“White Trash” Meets the “Little Brown Monkeys”: The Taxi Dance Hall as a Site of Interracial and Gender Alliances between White Working Class Women and Filipino Immigrant Men in the 1920s and 30s1998/01/01English10
“Splitting Things in Half Is So White!”: Conceptions of Family Life and Friendship and the Formation of Ethnic Identity among Second Generation Vietnamese Americans1999/01/01English10
Politics of Chinese Exclusion: Legislative-Executive Conflict 1876–18821982/04/01English9
Immigrant Asian Women in Bay Area Garment Sweatshops: “After Sewing, Laundry, Cleaning and Cooking, I Have No Breath Left to Sing”1992/01/01English9
On the Assimilation of Japanese Americans1972/02/01English9
Pacific Revisions of Blackness: Blacks Address Race and Belonging in Hawai'i2011/01/01English9
Local Knowledge(s): Notes on Race Relations, Panethnicity and History in Hawai'i1996/01/01English9
Family Labor, Sacrifice and Competition: Korean Greengrocers in New York City1983/10/01English9
Hemispheric Orientalism and the 1907 Pacific Coast Race Riots2007/01/01English9