Planetary and Space Science

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The effect of the atmosphere and ionosphere on long period magnetospheric micropulsations1974/08/01English241
Magnetospheric chorus: Occurrence patterns and normalized frequency1976/11/01English235
Sublimation of ices of astrophysical interest: A bibliographic review2009/12/01English232
Rayleigh scattering by air1984/06/01English227
Collision frequencies and energy transfer ions1966/11/01English214
Pitch-angle scattering of energetic protons in the magnetotail current sheet as the dominant source of their isotropic precipitation into the nightside ionosphere1983/10/01English213
A model of Titan's aerosols based on measurements made inside the atmosphere2008/04/01English212
What are flux transfer events?1988/05/01English212
Magnetic field investigation of the Venus plasma environment: Expected new results from Venus Express2006/11/01English210
On the dissociation of nitrogen by electron impact and by E.U.V. photo-absorption1978/05/01English205
Theoretical ion densities in the lower ionosphere1973/11/01English203
Photochemistry of the lower troposphere1972/06/01English202
Coupling photochemistry with haze formation in Titan's atmosphere, Part I: Model description2008/01/01English201
Negative ion chemistry in Titan's upper atmosphere2009/11/01English201
Electron temperatures in the ionosphere1963/05/01English199
Plasma interactions of exoplanets with their parent star and associated radio emissions2007/04/01English197
Impulse-excited hydromagnetic cavity and field-line resonances in the magnetosphere1986/04/01English195
The digital global geologic map of Mars: Chronostratigraphic ages, topographic and crater morphologic characteristics, and updated resurfacing history2014/05/01English194
A study of the thermal and dynamical structure of the martian lower atmosphere1968/05/01English194
A look towards the future in the handling of space science mission geometry2018/01/01English194
Optical measurements of the Moon as a tool to study its surface2011/10/01English193
A theoretical study of the ionospheric F region equatorial anomaly—I. Theory1973/03/01English192
The F-layer dynamo1971/02/01English190
Venus Express—The first European mission to Venus2007/10/01English187
The effect of particle precipitation events on the neutral and ion chemistry of the middle atmosphere: II. Odd hydrogen1981/08/01English187
The Analyser of Space Plasmas and Energetic Atoms (ASPERA-4) for the Venus Express mission2007/10/01English183
Atmospheric densities derived from CHAMP/STAR accelerometer observations2004/03/01English182
Methane and related trace species on Mars: Origin, loss, implications for life, and habitability2007/02/01English180
Bounce resonant interaction between pulsations and trapped particles1969/03/01English180
Magnetic activity in the polar cap—A new index1988/11/01English179