Personal and Ubiquitous Computing

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Pedestrian navigation aids: information requirements and design implications2003/12/0186
Overcoming the Lack of Screen Space on Mobile Computers2002/05/0185
Context relevance assessment and exploitation in mobile recommender systems2011/06/21English84
Multitouch tablet applications and activities to enhance the social skills of children with autism spectrum disorders2011/04/24English83
Understanding and capturing people’s privacy policies in a mobile social networking application2008/10/28English82
GAN-based imbalanced data intrusion detection system2019/11/11English81
Activity logging using lightweight classification techniques in mobile devices2012/04/05English79
Personalization and user verification in wearable systems using biometric walking patterns2011/07/08English78
ALCA: agent learning–based clustering algorithm in vehicular ad hoc networks2012/09/29English78
Security in the wild: user strategies for managing security as an everyday, practical problem2004/09/22English75
The smart car seat: personalized monitoring of vital signs in automotive applications2011/01/07English75
Accelerometer-based gesture control for a design environment2005/08/23English74
Human Pacman: a mobile, wide-area entertainment system based on physical, social, and ubiquitous computing2004/05/0174
Fabric PCBs, electronic sequins, and socket buttons: techniques for e-textile craft2007/08/22English73
Handheld Augmented Reality for underground infrastructure visualization2008/06/27English73
Virtual reality and mobile phones in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorders: a phase-2 clinical trial2011/10/02English72
Mobile phone-based pervasive fall detection2010/04/08English70
Fall detection system for elderly people using IoT and ensemble machine learning algorithm2019/01/02English70
Family memories in the home: contrasting physical and digital mementos2010/01/16English70
Human motion recognition using a wireless sensor-based wearable system2011/09/11English67
Tangible interaction and learning: the case for a hybrid approach2011/06/11English67
Understanding contexts by being there: case studies in bodystorming2003/07/0166
Toward a persuasive mobile application to reduce sedentary behavior2012/07/12English66
A taxonomy for and analysis of tangible interfaces2004/07/28English66
An infrastructure for context-awareness based on first order logic2003/12/0163
Designing beyond habit: opening space for improved recycling and food waste behaviors through processes of persuasion, social influence and aversive affect2012/07/13English63
Effect of use contexts on the continuous use of mobile services: the case of mobile games2010/04/24English62
An innovative mobile electronic tourist guide application2007/09/25English61
Understanding mobile contexts2004/05/0160
RFID-based indoor location tracking to ensure the safety of the elderly in smart home environments2012/09/21English59