Transactions of the American Mathematical Society

Title Publication Date Language Citations
On the Spectrum of C 0 -Semigroups1984/08/01384
Multiresolution Approximations and Wavelet Orthonormal Bases of L 2 (R)1989/09/01236
Steinitz Field Towers for Modular Fields1939/07/01203
How far do chemotaxis-driven forces influence regularity in the Navier-Stokes system?2016/07/29English193
Homotopy Associativity of H-Spaces. I1963/08/01190
Shellable and Cohen-Macaulay Partially Ordered Sets1980/07/01186
Theory of Reproducing Kernels1950/05/01156
Viscosity Solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi Equations1983/05/01152
On the Mean-Value Theorem Corresponding to a Given Linear Homogeneous Differential Equations1922/12/01145
Statistical Mechanics on a Compact Set with Z p Action Satisfying Expansiveness and Specification1973/11/01145
Weighted Norm Inequalities for the Hardy Maximal Function1972/03/01132
Instability and Nonexistence of Global Solutions to Nonlinear Wave Equations of the Form Pu tt = -Au + ℱ(u)1974/05/01129
The Evolution of Random Graphs1984/11/01126
Multiplicity of Solutions for Elliptic Problems with Critical Exponent or with a Nonsymmetric Term1991/02/01123
Acylindrically hyperbolic groups2015/05/22English115
An Extension of Kakutani's Theorem on Infinite Product Measures to the Tensor Product of Semifinite w ∗ -Algebras1969/01/01113
Abstract Functional Differential Equations and Reaction-Diffusion Systems1990/09/01108
Topologies on Spaces of Subsets1951/07/01105
Hadamard triples generate self-affine spectral measures2018/10/01English104
Dirac Manifolds1990/06/01101
Finitistic Dimension and a Homological Generalization of Semi-Primary Rings1960/06/0199
A Class of Nonharmonic Fourier Series1952/03/0198
A Theorem in Finite Projective Geometry and Some Applications to Number Theory1938/05/0195
On Explosions of Solutions to a System of Partial Differential Equations Modelling Chemotaxis1992/02/0194
Applications of the Theory of Boolean Rings to General Topology1937/05/0193
On Lexicographically Shellable Posets1983/05/0193
Spectral Type of the Shift Transformation of Differential Processes With Stationary Increments1956/03/0193
Analytic Extensions of Differentiable Functions Defined in Closed Sets1934/01/0190
Chaotic Functions with Zero Topological Entropy1986/09/0189
Sur Les Lignes Geodesiques Des Surfaces Convexes1905/07/0188