Accountability in Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
European pharmaceutical industry view of quality assurance implications1992/01/01English
Editorial board1995/07/01English
Observations from a reporter's perspective1997/01/01English
Statistical auditing techniques for research data: Financial auditing parallels and new requirements1992/01/01English
Why “more” is not necessarily better: Strategies for communication of science to the public1997/01/01English
The 5th World Conference on Research Integrity2017/02/16English
Inclusive, engaged, and accountable institutional review boards2023/06/05English
COI works both ways: Investigation of misconduct by an independent research integrity organization is the way to go2024/03/10English
Medical research without patents: It’s preferable, it’s profitable, and it’s practicable2024/03/07English
Perspectives on non-financial conflicts of interest in health-related journals: A scoping review2024/04/11English
Evidence-based literature review, not the meta-analysis: A rejoinder2024/04/11English
Maintaining ethics, Integrity, and accountability: Best practices for reporting a meta-analysis2024/04/11English
Scientific misconduct: A cross-sectional study of the perceptions, attitudes and experiences of Spanish researchers2023/11/28English
Safeguarding scientific integrity: A case study in examining manipulation in the peer review process2023/12/11English
The impact of “Five No’s for Publication” on academic misconduct2023/11/18English
Spin in randomized controlled trials of pharmacology in COVID-19: A systematic review2023/11/08English
Importance of considering historical contexts when selecting terminology for questionable journal list names2023/10/16English
AI vs academia: Experimental study on AI text detectors’ accuracy in behavioral health academic writing2024/03/22English
Fabrication in a study about honesty: A lost episode of columbo illustrating how forensic statistics is performed2024/03/17English
Points of departure and developing good practices for responsible internationalization in a rapidly changing world2024/02/14English
Bad apples or systematic problem? Is Italy struggling with maintaining high level of research integrity?2024/02/15English
Research anomalies in criminology: How serious? How extensive over time? And who was responsible?2023/07/31English
Research funders play an important role in fostering research integrity and responsible internationalization in a multipolar world2023/01/14English
Scholarship, not politics2024/04/23English
The case for universal artificial intelligence declaration on the precedent of conflict of interest2024/04/21English
Limits of ethical non-human subjects research in an applied setting2024/02/18English
Mismatch in perceptions of the quality of supervision and research data management as an area of concern: Results from a university-wide survey of the research integrity culture at a Belgian university2024/02/19English
Defining “recklessness” in research misconduct proceedings2023/09/11English
Incorporating implicit bias into research integrity education: Response to ‘Why and how to incorporate issues of race/ethnicity and gender in research integrity education’2023/08/21English
Are there accurate and legitimate ways to machine-quantify predatoriness, or an urgent need for an automated online tool?2023/08/31English