Journal of Optometry

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Visual function and color vision in adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder2014/01/01English29
Grading of Iris Color with an Extended Photographic Reference Set2008/01/01English29
Peripheral refraction with dominant design multifocal contact lenses in young myopes2013/04/01English27
Optic neuritis in pediatric population: A review in current tendencies of diagnosis and management2014/07/01English27
Myopia and its progression in children in London, UK: a retrospective evaluation2020/07/01English27
Tear Film Surface Quality with Soft Contact Lenses Using Dynamic Videokeratoscopy2008/01/01English26
Ruptured retinal arterial macroaneurysm: Diagnosis and management2014/07/01English26
Pupil diameter, working distance and illumination during habitual tasks. Implications for simultaneous vision contact lenses for presbyopia2016/04/01English25
Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis: A review of current concepts in management2013/04/01English25
A review of corneal imaging methods for the early diagnosis of pre-clinical Keratoconus2020/10/01English25
Modalities of Tonometry and their Accuracy with Respect to Corneal Thickness and Irregularities2008/01/01English25
Factors influencing accuracy of referral and the likelihood of false positive referral by optometrists in Bradford, United Kingdom2016/07/01English25
The role of tele-ophthalmology in diabetic retinopathy screening2020/10/01English25
Bioimage informatics approach to automated meibomian gland analysis in infrared images of meibography2013/10/01English25
Retinal glial changes in Alzheimer's disease – A review2019/07/01English24
Change in body height, axial length and refractive status over a four-year period in caucasian children and young adults2020/04/01English23
In vivo assessment of the anterior scleral contour assisted by automatic profilometry and changes in conjunctival shape after miniscleral contact lens fitting2019/04/01English23
Peripheral refraction and spherical aberration profiles with single vision, bifocal and multifocal soft contact lenses2020/01/01English23
Gaze Behavior of Older Adults in Responding to Unexpected Loss of Balance while Walking in an Unfamiliar Environment: a Pilot Study2009/01/01English23
Tear instability importance, mechanisms, validity and reliability of assessment2018/10/01English23
Diurnal versus office-hour intraocular pressure fluctuation in primary adult onset glaucoma2015/10/01English23
Efficacy of vision therapy in children with learning disability and associated binocular vision anomalies2018/01/01English23
Use of the Visante™ OCT to measure the sagittal depth and scleral shape of keratoconus compared to normal corneae: Pilot study2013/07/01English23
Viewing distance of smartphones in presbyopic and non-presbyopic age2021/04/01English22
Extended depth of focus contact lenses vs. two commercial multifocals: Part 1. Optical performance evaluation via computed through-focus retinal image quality metrics2018/01/01English22
Extended depth of focus contact lenses vs. two commercial multifocals: Part 2. Visual performance after 1 week of lens wear2018/01/01English22
Long-term results of MyoRing treatment of keratoconus2017/04/01English22
Refractive error magnitude and variability: Relation to age2019/01/01English22
Comparative evaluation of Comfilcon A and Senofilcon A bandage contact lenses after transepithelial photorefractive keratectomy2015/01/01English22
Hyperelastic modelling of the crystalline lens: Accommodation and presbyopia2012/07/01English21