Physical Review D

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Light-cone modular bootstrap and pure gravity2019/09/23English4
Photon sphere and perihelion shift in weak f(T) gravity2019/10/29English4
Cosmological data favor Galileon ghost condensate over ΛCDM2019/09/26English4
LISA for cosmologists: Calculating the signal-to-noise ratio for stochastic and deterministic sources2019/11/26English4
General methods for digital quantum simulation of gauge theories2019/08/26English4
Black holes: The next generation—repeated mergers in dense star clusters and their gravitational-wave properties2019/08/27English4
Completed SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Cosmological implications from two decades of spectroscopic surveys at the Apache Point Observatory2021/04/28English4
Completion of metric reconstruction for a particle orbiting a Kerr black hole2016/11/28English4
Beyond lensing by the cosmological constant2017/01/17English4
Revised and improved value of the QED tenth-order electron anomalous magnetic moment2018/02/08English4
Eternal and evanescent black holes and accelerating mirror analogs2018/03/08English4
Probing vacuum birefringence under a high-intensity laser field with gamma-ray polarimetry at the GeV scale2017/09/07English4
Describing the Migdal effect with a bremsstrahlung-like process and many-body effects2021/09/09English4
Observational consequences of Bianchi I spacetimes in loop quantum cosmology2020/08/26English4
Nonparametric constraints on neutron star matter with existing and upcoming gravitational wave and pulsar observations2020/06/04English4
Second law of quantum complexity2018/04/25English4
Directional detection of light dark matter with polar materials2018/12/27English4
Phenomenology of quantum reduced loop gravity in the isotropic cosmological sector2018/11/27English4
Shadow of a black hole at cosmological distances2018/10/15English4
Action growth rate for a higher curvature gravitational theory2018/10/16English4
Footprints of new physics in b→cτν transitions2018/11/26English4
Raychaudhuri equation in spacetimes with torsion and nonmetricity2018/11/26English4
Interference effects in nonlinear Compton scattering due to pulse envelope2021/02/25English4
Can different black holes cast the same shadow?2021/04/22English4
Photon ring autocorrelations2021/05/17English4
Stability of rotating scalar boson stars with nonlinear interactions2021/02/11English4
Signatures of f(Q) gravity in cosmology2021/02/11English4
Gravitational multisoliton solutions on flat space2016/02/10English4
Effect of the dilaton on holographic complexity growth2018/03/26English4
Low-luminosity gamma-ray bursts as the sources of ultrahigh-energy cosmic ray nuclei2018/04/23English4