Physical Review D

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Remarks on the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model2016/11/04English29
Theoretical physics implications of the binary black-hole mergers GW150914 and GW1512262016/10/04English19
Ultralight scalars as cosmological dark matter2017/02/28English17
Gravitational wave detection with optical lattice atomic clocks2016/12/27English16
Review of Particle Physics2018/08/17English15
Dark Energy Survey year 1 results: Cosmological constraints from galaxy clustering and weak lensing2018/08/27English14
Quantum superposition of massive objects and the quantization of gravity2018/12/18English13
Frequency-domain gravitational waves from nonprecessing black-hole binaries. I. New numerical waveforms and anatomy of the signal2016/02/03English13
Frequency-domain gravitational waves from nonprecessing black-hole binaries. II. A phenomenological model for the advanced detector era2016/02/03English12
Black hole shadows, photon rings, and lensing rings2019/07/12English11
Quantum extension of the Kruskal spacetime2018/12/10English11
Hunting for extra dimensions in the shadow of M87*2019/07/12English10
Uncolored random tensors, melon diagrams, and the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models2017/02/13English9
Testing the generalized uncertainty principle with macroscopic mechanical oscillators and pendulums2019/09/20English9
Gravitational-wave signatures of exotic compact objects and of quantum corrections at the horizon scale2016/10/21English9
Results from phase 1 of the HAYSTAC microwave cavity axion experiment2018/05/04English9
Coincident general relativity2018/08/28English9
Dark matter direct detection with accelerometers2016/04/20English8
Improved effective-one-body model of spinning, nonprecessing binary black holes for the era of gravitational-wave astrophysics with advanced detectors2017/02/17English8
Testing the rotational nature of the supermassive object M87* from the circularity and size of its first image2019/08/29English8
Coarse graining flow of spin foam intertwiners2016/12/29English8
Gravitational action with null boundaries2016/10/26English8
Notes on nonsingular models of black holes2016/11/28English8
Shapes of rotating nonsingular black hole shadows2016/07/28English8
Position-dependent mass, finite-gap systems, and supersymmetry2016/05/16English8
Primordial tensor modes of the early Universe2016/06/03English8
Can Horndeski theory be recast using teleparallel gravity?2019/09/10English7
Sensitivity and performance of the Advanced LIGO detectors in the third observing run2020/09/11English7
Hubble constant hunter’s guide2020/02/27English7
Gravitational wave signatures of highly compact boson star binaries2017/11/30English7