Hague Journal on the Rule of Law

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Worldwide Governance Indicators: Methodology and Analytical Issues2011/09/01English84
Creating Authoritarian Clientelism: Poland After 20152018/09/24English32
Poland’s Rule of Law Breakdown: A Five-Year Assessment of EU’s (In)Action2021/03/24English30
Democratic Decay: Conceptualising an Emerging Research Field2019/02/19English29
Polish Constitutional Tribunal Under PiS: From an Activist Court, to a Paralysed Tribunal, to a Governmental Enabler2018/06/13English28
Varieties of Populism in Europe: Is the Rule of Law in Danger?2018/03/28English25
Douglass North’s Theory of Institutions: Lessons for Law and Development2016/07/25English24
What Do We Know about Legal Empowerment? Mapping the Evidence2017/02/07English20
A Dose of Realism: The Contestation and Politics of Cyber Norms2019/09/17English17
Fly High the Banner of Socialist Rule of Law with Chinese Characteristics!2015/08/20English16
The Strasbourg Court Meets Abusive Constitutionalism: Baka v. Hungary and the Rule of Law2017/11/02English15
Abortion Law and Human Rights in Poland: The Closing of the Jurisprudential Horizon2022/02/16English14
The Rule of Law as the Measure of Political Legitimacy in the Greek City States2017/05/11English13
The Rule of Law as a Well-Established and Well-Defined Principle of EU Law2022/06/28English11
Commemorative Lawmaking: Memory Frames of the Democratic Backsliding in Poland After 20152018/08/13English11
Experiencing the Unimaginable: the Collapse of the Rule of Law in Poland2019/11/01English10
The Possibility and Desirability of Rule of Law Conditionality2018/06/11English9
Reconstructing Legitimacy After Crisis: The Chilean Path to a New Constitution2021/10/25English9
Disciplinary Proceedings as an Instrument for Breaking the Rule of Law in Poland2020/10/07English8
Two Eras of Hungarian Constitutionalism: From the Rule of Law to Rule by Law2016/10/01English8
What Rendered Ancient Tyrants Detestable: The Rule of Law and the Constitution of Corporate Power2018/02/27English8
COVID-19, The Rule of Law and Democracy. Analysis of Legal Responses to a Global Health Crisis2022/03/15English7
The Clash of Powers in Poland’s Rule of Law Crisis: Tools of Attack and Self-Defense2020/08/19English7
Medieval Origins of the Rule of Law: The Gregorian Reforms as Critical Juncture?2017/05/11English7
The Marikana Massacre, the Rule of Law and South Africa’s Violent Democracy2015/11/16English6
Biting Intergovernmentalism: The Case for the Reinvention of Article 259 TFEU to Make It a Viable Rule of Law Enforcement Tool2015/12/01English6
The European Court of Human Rights, Rule of Law and Socio-Economic Rights in Times of Crises2016/09/29English6
The Rule of Law at Home and Abroad2016/04/01English6
Elephants in the Room: The European Commission’s 2019 Communication on the Rule of Law2019/11/01English6
Constitutional Markers of Authoritarianism2018/09/10English6