Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Lusin type theorems for Radon measures2017/12/22
Quotient graphs for power graphs2017/12/22
Mordell–Lang in positive characteristic2015/11/17
On logarithmic nonabelian Hodge theory of higher level in characteristic $p$2015/11/17
The cyclic and epicyclic sites2015/11/17
Relative fundamental groups and rational points2015/11/17
On the continuity of the finite Bloch–Kato cohomology2015/11/17
A graph related to the join of subgroups of a finite group2014/06/08
Connectedness of the Tannakian group attached to semi-stable multiple filtrations2014/06/08
Sur la fidélité de certaines représentations de GL$_2(F)$ sous une algèbre d'Iwasawa2014/06/08
On the micro-macro limit in traffic flow2014/06/08
Localizations of tensor products2014/06/08
A PBW theorem for inclusions of (sheaves of) Lie algebroids2014/06/08
On global well-posedness for the Einstein-Maxwell-Euler system in Bondi coordinates2014/06/08
When all reduced strongly flat modules are projective2014/06/08
A local smoothness criterion for solutions of the 3D Navier-Stokes equations2014/06/08
On the Lie transformation algebra of monoids in symmetric monoidal categories2014/06/08
A criterium for monomiality2014/06/08
Boundary integral for the Ramachandran index2014/06/08
Finite groups with some CAP-subgroups2014/06/08
Explicit calculation of Frobenius isomorphisms and Poincaré duality in the theory of arithmetic $\mathcal D$-modules2014/06/08
A product property of Sobolev spaces with application to elliptic estimates2014/06/08
An Addendum to the elliptic torsion anomalous conjecture in codimension 22019/06/06
Nadler mappings in cone $b$-metric spaces over Banach algebras2019/06/06
Cleanness of Cohen–Macaulay monomial ideal generated by at most five elements2019/06/06
On a fractional nonlinear equation on a bounded domain of $\mathbb R^n$2019/06/11
On the rationality of period integrals and special value formulas in the compact case2019/06/11
Enhanced Laplace transform and holomorphic Paley-Wiener-type theorems2019/06/11
The maximal number of skew lines on Schur’s quartic2019/06/11
On some variational measures related to the wide Denjoy integral and its counterparts2019/06/11