Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Automorfismi involutori di $p$-gruppi finiti2013/05/15
On the Functionally Countable Subalgebra of $C(X)$2013/05/15
On the (non-)Contractibility of the Order Complex of the Coset Poset of an Alternating Group2013/05/15
$SE$-Supplemented Subgroups of Finite Groups2013/05/15
Ostrowski Type Inequalities Related to the Generalized Baouendi-Grushin Vector Fields2013/05/15
On Gorenstein Flat Preenvelopes of Complexes2013/05/15
Galois points for a plane curve and its dual curve2014/11/04
A class of Caffarelli–Kohn–Nirenberg type inequalities on the H-type group2014/11/04
Harmonic numbers and finite groups2014/11/04
Simple sufficient conditions for bounded turning2014/11/04
Perverse sheaves on semiabelian varieties2014/11/04
Finer regularity of an entropy solution for 1-d scalar conservation laws with non uniform convex flux2014/11/04
A characterization of automorphism groups of simple $K_3$-groups2014/11/04
Positive solutions for a semipositone problem involving nonlocal operator2014/11/04
Almost periodic functions on groupoids2014/11/04
NSE characterization of projective special linear group $L_5(2)$2014/11/04
Lattice graphs with non-concurrent longest cycles2014/11/04
Stability of Cartan–Eilenberg Gorenstein categories2014/11/04
Classicality of overconvergent Hilbert eigenforms: case of quadratic residue degrees2014/11/04
On laws of the form $ab\equiv ba$ equivalent to the abelian law2016/12/22
On finite $p$-groups that are the product of a subgroup of class two and an abelian subgroup of order $p^3$2016/12/22
Existence and multiplicity of solutions for a $p(x)$-Kirchhoff type equation2016/12/22
Système d’équations décrivant certains mouvements stationnaires en une dimension d’un gaz visqueux et calorifère2016/12/22
Berezin transform and Stratonovich–Weyl correspondence for the multi-dimensional Jacobi group2016/12/22
New existence results for the mean field equation on compact surfaces via degree theory2016/12/22
On BNA-normality and solvability of finite groups2016/12/22
Automorphisms of finite order of nilpotent groups IV2016/12/22
On $\pi\mathfrak{F}$-supplemented subgroups of a finite group2016/12/22
Irreducible characters of finite simple groups constant at the $p$-singular elements2016/12/22
Stabilization for Iwasawa modules in $\mathbb Z_p$-extensions2016/12/22