Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Rational Components of Hilbert Schemes2011/12/315
Rad-Supplemented Modules2010/12/313
Screen Transversal Lightlike Submanifolds of Indefinite Cosymplectic Manifolds2010/12/313
A simple construction for a class of $p$-groups with all of their automorphisms central2016/05/192
Classification of rings with unit graphs having domination number less than four2015/06/012
On the Regularity for Solutions of the Micropolar Fluid Equations2009/12/312
On Siegel’s problem for $E$-functions2022/12/142
On the existence of maximal $\mathcal S$-closed submodules2016/12/221
Remark on the equations of axially symmetric gravitational fields2017/12/221
Simplicial arrangements on convex cones2017/12/221
Perfect numbers and finite groups2013/05/151
$\mathbb Q$-Gorenstein smoothings of surfaces and degenerations of curves2016/12/221
Degeneration of K3 surfaces with non-symplectic automorphisms2023/03/171
Prismatic and $q$-crystalline sites of higher level2023/10/051
Semistable Sheaves and Comparison Isomorphisms in the Semistable Case2012/12/311
Poincaré polynomials of stable map spaces to Grassmannians2014/06/081
A note on Grayson's theorem2014/06/081
Ding modules and dimensions over formal triangular matrix rings2022/12/011
On the modularity property of the lattice of partially composition Fitting classes2021/05/251
An explicit self-dual construction of complete cotorsion pairs in the relative context2023/02/161
The local Laplace transform of an elementary irregular meromorphic connection2015/11/171
Zero divisors of support size 3 in group algebras and trinomials divided by irreducible polynomials over GF(2)2021/05/031
Existence of stationary solutions for some integro-differential equations with superdiffusion2017/05/121
A harmonic mean inequality for the digamma function and related results2017/05/121
Test modules for flatness2017/05/121
A new characterization of some families of finite simple groups2017/05/121
Twisted cyclic groups2019/06/061
On the generalized $\sigma$-Fitting subgroup of finite groups2018/11/201
Countable recognizability and residual properties of groups2018/11/191
Lasry-Lions Regularization and a Lemma of Ilmanen2010/12/311