Australian Planner

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Ageing Australia: changing location patterns of older people in South East Queensland2013/03/05English14
Activity centre planning in Melbourne revisited2004/01/01English14
Urban planning process and discourses in the refusal of Islamic Schools in Sydney, Australia2011/12/01English14
The hope for oil crisis: children, oil vulnerability and (in)dependent mobility2010/12/01English13
JOBS AND HOUSING LOCATION IN MELBOURNE, 1986–19962001/01/01English13
SYDNEY'S GREEN BELT 1945–19601992/07/01English13
As compact city planning rolls on, a look back: lessons from Sydney and Perth2017/04/03English13
The impact of planning ‘reform’ on the Victorian land use planning system2014/03/18English13
Green urbanism down under2009/01/01English13
The process and progress of urban consolidation2004/01/01English13
Planning and deregulation2005/01/01English13
Is Australia ready to move planning to online mode?2005/01/01English13
Beyond engagement theatre: challenging institutional constraints of participatory planning practice2021/01/02English13
Seeking fresh food and supporting local producers: perceptions and motivations of farmers’ market customers2018/01/02English13
Age-friendly cities and communities: access to services for older people2015/08/27English13
Centres that never sleep? Planning for the night-time economy within the commercial centres of Australian cities2011/09/01English12
Where have all the gardens gone?2008/03/01English12
Educating planners, educating for planning or planning education: The never‐ending story2009/01/01English12
Modelling the compact city: capacities and visions for Melbourne2010/06/01English12
Rethinking oil depletion: what role can cycling really play in dispersed cities?2010/12/01English12
Social sustainability in urban regeneration practice: a case study of theFortitude Valley Renewal Planin Brisbane2013/12/01English12
Planning implications of telework: a policy analysis of the Sydney metropolitan strategy2013/12/01English12
Envisioning the compact city: resident responses to urban design imagery2012/03/01English12
A snapshot of high-speed broadband responses at local government level in Australia: a marriage between federally funded initiatives and locally driven innovations?2015/01/02English12
Brisbane's digital strategy: an economic strategy for the digital age?2015/01/02English12
Toward an ethnographic sensibility in urban research2016/01/02English11
Cities for whom? Re-examining identity, to reclaim the right to the city for women2017/01/02English11
Planning green space in Adelaide city: enlightenment from green space system planning of Fuzhou city (2015–2020)2017/04/03English11