Journal of Grid Computing

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A Survey on Resource Scheduling in Cloud Computing: Issues and Challenges2016/02/06English240
A Review of Auto-scaling Techniques for Elastic Applications in Cloud Environments2014/10/11English226
A Taxonomy of Workflow Management Systems for Grid Computing2005/09/01English203
An Energy-Efficient Task Scheduling Algorithm in DVFS-enabled Cloud Environment2015/04/19English161
Resource Management Approaches in Fog Computing: a Comprehensive Review2019/09/06English159
From Proposal to Production: Lessons Learned Developing the Computational Chemistry Grid Cyberinfrastructure2006/06/01English141
WeNMR: Structural Biology on the Grid2012/11/30English137
Architectural Requirements for Cloud Computing Systems: An Enterprise Cloud Approach2010/12/07English115
A Survey of Data-Intensive Scientific Workflow Management2015/03/08English101
iCanCloud: A Flexible and Scalable Cloud Infrastructure Simulator2012/03/01English98
Genetic Algorithm for Multi-Objective Optimization of Container Allocation in Cloud Architecture2017/11/06English93
A Budget Constrained Scheduling Algorithm for Workflow Applications2014/03/23English90
A Survey on the Computation Offloading Approaches in Mobile Edge/Cloud Computing Environment: A Stochastic-based Perspective2020/08/09English87
Budget-Deadline Constrained Workflow Planning for Admission Control2013/05/23English85
Energy-aware Virtual Machine Migration for Cloud Computing - A Firefly Optimization Approach2016/02/19English81
WS-PGRADE/gUSE Generic DCI Gateway Framework for a Large Variety of User Communities2012/11/07English80
Cost-Time Efficient Scheduling Plan for Executing Workflows in the Cloud2015/08/20English61
iMapReduce: A Distributed Computing Framework for Iterative Computation2012/03/01English56
Market-oriented Grids and Utility Computing: The State-of-the-art and Future Directions2007/12/28English52
Towards the Scheduling of Multiple Workflows on Computational Grids2009/12/22English51
MAAN: A Multi-Attribute Addressable Network for Grid Information Services2004/03/01English51
The Requirements of Using Provenance in e-Science Experiments2006/12/14English50
Trusted Grid Computing with Security Binding and Trust Integration2005/06/01English47
Multi-Objective Task and Workflow Scheduling Approaches in Cloud Computing: a Comprehensive Review2020/09/01English47
Consuming Resources and Services from Multiple Clouds2014/01/16English47
Labs of the World, Unite!!!2006/06/27English46
Energy Efficient Computational Offloading Framework for Mobile Cloud Computing2015/01/13English46
Workload Allocation in IoT-Fog-Cloud Architecture Using a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm2020/01/10English46
Cloud-Based Multi-Agent Cooperation for IoT Devices Using Workflow-Nets2019/06/26English45
A Provenance-based Adaptive Scheduling Heuristic for Parallel Scientific Workflows in Clouds2012/08/25English45