Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Editorial Board2023/10/01English
Prediction of stochastic responses of vehicle running through the multi-spans bridge based on an optimized method2023/10/01English
Polynomial response surface-based transformation function for the performance improvement of low-fidelity models for concrete gravity dams2023/10/01English
Statistical analysis of wind load probabilistic models considering wind direction and calculation of reference wind pressure values in Liaoning Province, China2024/01/01English
Reliability assessment of civil structures with incomplete probability distribution information2023/10/01English
A wavelet transform based stationary transformation method for estimating the extreme value of the non-stationary wind speeds2023/10/01English
Structural reliability analysis with extremely small failure probabilities: A quasi-Bayesian active learning method2024/04/01English
Gaussian cross-entropy and organizing intelligence for design optimization of the outrigger system with inclined belt truss in real-size tall buildings2024/04/01English
Understanding the multi-source uncertainties effect on the seismic performance assessment of deeply hydraulic tunnels based on the generalized PDEM2024/04/01English
Meta model-based and cross entropy-based importance sampling algorithms for efficiently solving system failure probability function2024/04/01English
Editorial Board2024/01/01English
Probabilistic identification method for seismic failure modes of reinforced concrete beam-column joints using Gaussian process with deep kernel2024/04/01English
Bayesian-based probabilistic models for the ultimate drift capacity of rectangular reinforced concrete columns failed in flexure mode2024/04/01English
Conditional simulation of stationary non-Gaussian processes based on unified hermite polynomial model2024/04/01English
High-speed rolling bearing lubrication reliability analysis based on probability box model2024/04/01English
Seismic collaborative reliability analysis for a slope considering spatial variability base on optimized subset simulation2024/04/01English
Small failure probability analysis of stochastic structures based on a new hybrid approach2024/04/01English
Effects of limit state data on constructing accurate surrogate models for structural reliability analyses2024/04/01English
Time-dependent kinematic reliability of motion mechanisms with dynamic factors2024/04/01English
Efficient metamodel-based importance sampling coupled with single-loop estimation method for parameter global reliability sensitivity analysis2024/04/01English
Probabilistic slope stability analysis: A novel distribution for soils exhibiting highly variable spatial properties2024/04/01English
Uncertainty quantification for viscoelastic composite materials using time-separated stochastic mechanics2024/04/01English
Assessment of low probability events of dynamical systems by controlled Monte Carlo simulation1999/07/01English
The Itô and Stratonovich integrals for stochastic differential equations with poisson white noise1998/07/01English
Control of time delay linear systems with Gaussian white noise1997/04/01English
Non-stationary and stationary coincidence probabilities for intermittent pulse load processes2000/04/01English
A load space formulation for probabilistic finite element analysis of structural reliability1999/01/01English
Nonstationary response of nonlinear systems using equivalent linearization with a compact analytical form of the excitation process2002/01/01English
Numerical and experimental studies of linear systems subjected to non-Gaussian random excitations1999/10/01English
Chaos and nonlinear stochastic dynamics2000/01/01English