Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Multivariate distribution models with prescribed marginals and covariances1986/06/01English602
An adaptive algorithm to build up sparse polynomial chaos expansions for stochastic finite element analysis2010/04/01English550
Optimal design of a novel tuned mass-damper–inerter (TMDI) passive vibration control configuration for stochastically support-excited structural systems2014/10/01English463
Material spatial randomness: From statistical to representative volume element2006/04/01English402
A univariate dimension-reduction method for multi-dimensional integration in stochastic mechanics2004/10/01English380
The stochastic finite element method in structural reliability1988/06/01English355
Metamodel-based importance sampling for structural reliability analysis2013/07/01English345
A critical appraisal of reliability estimation procedures for high dimensions2004/10/01English329
Non-stationary stochastic vector processes: seismic ground motion applications1996/07/01English311
Reliability of structures in high dimensions, part I: algorithms and applications2004/10/01English244
A response surface method based on weighted regression for structural reliability analysis2005/01/01English205
MCMC algorithms for Subset Simulation2015/07/01English203
An innovating analysis of the Nataf transformation from the copula viewpoint2009/07/01English187
Random function based spectral representation of stationary and non-stationary stochastic processes2016/07/01English178
Effects of random heterogeneity of soil properties on bearing capacity2005/10/01English177
Simulation of strongly non-Gaussian processes using Karhunen–Loeve expansion2005/04/01English171
Bayesian state and parameter estimation of uncertain dynamical systems2006/01/01English159
Modelling and simulation of spatially varying earthquake ground motions at sites with varying conditions2012/07/01English154
Advances of the probability density evolution method for nonlinear stochastic systems2012/04/01English148
Reliability analysis of structures using neural network method2006/01/01English147
Assessment of the efficiency of Kriging surrogate models for structural reliability analysis2014/07/01English144
Dynamic response and reliability analysis of non-linear stochastic structures2005/01/01English142
Correlation control in small-sample Monte Carlo type simulations I: A simulated annealing approach2009/07/01English135
Stochastic process models for earthquake ground motion1988/09/01English133
A new artificial neural network-based response surface method for structural reliability analysis2008/01/01English128
A new adaptive response surface method for reliability analysis2013/04/01English127
An efficient response surface method using moving least squares approximation for structural reliability analysis2010/10/01English124
A simple and efficient methodology to approximate a general non-Gaussian stationary stochastic process by a translation process2011/10/01English123
An analytical Wiener path integral technique for non-stationary response determination of nonlinear oscillators2012/04/01English122
Collocation-based stochastic finite element analysis for random field problems2007/04/01English121