International Journal of Psychophysiology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Issues and considerations for using the scalp surface Laplacian in EEG/ERP research: A tutorial review2015/09/01English148
Affective and physiological responses to environmental noises and music2004/07/01English146
Operational principles of neurocognitive networks2006/05/01English145
Heart rate and heart rate variability in panic, social anxiety, obsessive–compulsive, and generalized anxiety disorders at baseline and in response to relaxation and hyperventilation2013/01/01English144
On the benefits of using surface Laplacian (current source density) methodology in electrophysiology2015/09/01English143
The cognit: A network model of cortical representation2006/05/01English140
Emotional face expressions are differentiated with brain oscillations2007/04/01English139
Sex, beauty and the orbitofrontal cortex2007/02/01English139
Lexical versus conceptual anticipation during sentence processing: Frontal positivity and N400 ERP components2012/03/01English138
Sex differences in emotional and psychophysiological responses to musical stimuli2006/11/01English138
Association between interoception and empathy: Evidence from heartbeat-evoked brain potential2011/02/01English138
What is the relationship between mental workload factors and cognitive load types?2012/03/01English137
Towards a truly mobile auditory brain–computer interface: Exploring the P300 to take away2014/01/01English136
Consciousness and arousal effects on emotional face processing as revealed by brain oscillations. A gamma band analysis2008/01/01English136
Event-related potentials during an emotional Stroop task2007/03/01English136
Task-related coupling from high- to low-frequency signals among visual cortical areas in human subdural recordings2004/01/01English135
Cortical gamma responses: Searching high and low2011/01/01English133
The mismatch-negativity (MMN) component of the auditory event-related potential to violations of abstract regularities: A review2013/05/01English133
The development of stop-signal and Go/Nogo response inhibition in children aged 7–12 years: Performance and event-related potential indices2007/01/01English132
A cross-sectional examination of age and physical activity on performance and event-related brain potentials in a task switching paradigm2006/01/01English131
Learning models of PTSD: Theoretical accounts and psychobiological evidence2015/12/01English131
Error-related brain activity in the age of RDoC: A review of the literature2015/11/01English130
Modelling event-related skin conductance responses2010/03/01English129
Imaging natural cognition in action2014/01/01English129
Arousal and valence effects on event-related P3a and P3b during emotional categorization2006/06/01English129
Heart rate response after emotional picture presentation is modulated by interoceptive awareness2007/01/01English129
Brain oscillations and BIS/BAS (behavioral inhibition/activation system) effects on processing masked emotional cues.2009/11/01English129
Auditory event-related potential abnormalities in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia2004/06/01English128
Properties of the ballistocardiogram artefact as revealed by EEG recordings at 1.5, 3 and 7 T static magnetic field strength2008/03/01English128
Pupillary responses during lexical decisions vary with word frequency but not emotional valence2007/08/01English127