Telematics and Informatics Reports

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Purchase and continuation intentions of over -the -top (OTT) video streaming platform subscriptions: a uses and gratification theory perspective2022/03/01English27
A review on fog computing: Issues, characteristics, challenges, and potential applications2023/06/01English21
DCNNBiLSTM: An Efficient Hybrid Deep Learning-Based Intrusion Detection System2023/06/01English21
Assessing engagement decisions in NFT Metaverse based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)2023/06/01English12
Re-start social media, but how?2022/12/01English11
Hybridizing cost saving with trust for blockchain technology adoption by financial institutions2022/06/01English11
Play or pay to win: Loot boxes and gaming disorder in FIFA ultimate team2022/12/01English9
Artificial intelligence in healthcare: A bibliometric analysis2023/03/01English9
Digital economy and demand structure of skilled talents — analysis based on the perspective of vertical technological innovation2022/09/01English8
Factors influencing Instagram Reels usage behaviours: An examination of motives, contextual age and narcissism2022/03/01English7
A comparison of self-report and objective measurements of smartphone and social media usage2023/06/01English6
6G networks for artificial intelligence-enabled smart cities applications: A scoping review2023/03/01English6
Fluid space: Digitisation of cultural heritage and its media dissemination2022/12/01English6
Systematic review of disruptive innovation (DI) research in agriculture and future direction of research2023/09/01English5
The moderating effect of the need for interaction with a service employee on purchase intention in chatbots2021/01/01English5
AGILEST approach: Using machine learning agents to facilitate kinesthetic learning in STEM education through real-time touchless hand interaction2023/03/01English5
E-participation within the context of e-government initiatives: A comprehensive systematic review2022/12/01English5
Effect of information and communication technology on the environmental sustainability: An empirical assessment for South Africa2022/09/01English4
Navigating the acceptance of implementing business intelligence in organizations: A system dynamics approach2023/09/01English4
COVID-19 vaccine sensing: Sentiment analysis and subject distillation from twitter data2022/12/01English4
Dependable intrusion detection system using deep convolutional neural network: A Novel framework and performance evaluation approach2023/09/01English4
Internet of things empowering operations management; A systematic review based on bibliometric and content analysis2023/09/01English4
Influence of diverse kinds of persuasive messages on intention to stay home during COVID-19 pandemic: Moderating role of media type2022/09/01English4
Active and passive behavior in social media: Validating the Social Media Activity Questionnaire (SMAQ)2023/06/01English4
Towards an effective deep learning-based intrusion detection system in the internet of things2022/09/01English3
Emotional appeals and social support in organizational YouTube videos during COVID-192022/12/01English3
Distance and energy aware extended LEACH using secondary cluster head for wireless sensor networks2022/12/01English3
The State Fear of Missing Out Inventory: Development and validation2023/06/01English3
Ethnic elements in Chinese cosmetic brands: An exploration of digital communication effects on the recognition of Chinese national identity2023/06/01English3
Investigating the Role of SNS Design on Covid-19 Information Avoidance: The Perspectives of the Stimulus-Organism-Response Theory2023/09/01English3