Milan Journal of Mathematics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Mixed Boundary Value Problems for Minimal Graphs on a Riemann Surface and Winding Staircases2011/05/19English
Global and Local Minimizers of the Cahn-Hilliard Functional Over a Parallelepiped: With And Without Constraint2011/06/01English
Erratum: Nonparametric Estimation about Species not Observed in a Random Sample2005/10/01English
Some Remarks on Biorthogonal Systems in Banach Spaces2005/10/01English
Bäcklund Algebra and the KdV Hierarchy2005/10/01English
A Pamphlet on Motivic Cohomology2005/10/01English
Some Remarks on the Definition of Boltzmann, Shannon and Kolmogorov Entropy2005/10/01English
Riemann and His Time2022/06/20English
A Characterization of the Vector Lattice of Measurable Functions2022/05/21English
“Bubbling” and Topological Degeneration in the Calculus of Variations2023/01/06English
The LLV Decomposition of Hyperkähler Cohomology and Applications to the Nagai Conjecture (After Green–Kim–Laza–Robles)2022/09/17English
Transfer of Energy from Flexural to Torsional Modes for the Fish-Bone Suspension Bridge Model2023/02/18English
Another Look at Elliptic Homogenization2023/12/03English
Anisotropic Curvature Flow of Immersed Networks2021/05/07English
Well-posedness of the Initial Value Problem for the Ostrovsky–Hunter Equation with Spatially Dependent Flux2019/10/29English
A Liouville Theorem for Superlinear Heat Equations on Riemannian Manifolds2019/10/29English
A Global Minimization Trick to Solve Some Classes of Berestycki–Lions Type Problems2022/07/07English
An Improved Setting for Generalized Functions: Fine Ultrafunctions2022/07/16English
Prescribing Morse Scalar Curvatures2022/12/22English
Tilings with Nonflat Squares: A Characterization2022/03/24English
Nonuniform Dichotomies via Lyapunov Functions2014/05/23English
The Descending Flow Method and Existence of Solutions for a Class of Elliptic Equations2015/09/12English
Dominant Dimension and Almost Relatively True Versions of Schur’s Theorem2010/08/12English
New Directions in Representation Theory2012/04/21English
Topology, Formal Languages and Quantum Information2010/03/25English
Bernhard Riemann Remarks on his Life and Work2010/03/23English
A Conjecture of Mukai Relating Numerical Invariants of Fano Manifolds2009/08/08English