SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Coordinated Control of Multi-Robot Systems: A Survey2017/11/01English63
Economic and Distributed Model Predictive Control: Recent Developments in Optimization-Based Control2017/03/01English41
Formation Control with Collision Avoidance for a Multi-UAV System Using Decentralized MPC and Consensus-Based Control2015/07/01English38
Range-Enlargement of Simplified Brillouin Optical Correlation Domain Analysis Based on a Temporal Gating Scheme2008/07/01English34
A Formula for the Supremal Controllable and Opaque Sublanguage Arising in Supervisory Control2008/07/01English33
Extended High-Gain Observers as Disturbance Estimators2017/05/01English32
LTI Systems with Generalized Frequency Variables: A Unified Framework for Homogeneous Multi-agent Dynamical Systems2009/09/01English31
Current Sensor Based Home Appliance and State of Appliance Recognition2010/03/01English29
Study on Efficiency of Evacuation with an Obstacle on Hexagonal Cell Space2010/11/01English25
Properties of Zero-Free Transfer Function Matrices2008/07/01English23
A Design Method of Compensator to Minimize Model Error2013/07/01English21
Gap Selection and Path Generation during Merging Maneuver of Automobile Using Real-Time Optimization2014/07/01English17
Development of Drowsiness Detection Method by Integrating Heart Rate Variability Analysis and Multivariate Statistical Process Control2016/01/01English16
Fictitious Reference Tuning of the Feed-Forward Controller in a Two-Degree-of-Freedom Control System2011/01/01English16
Subionospheric VLF/LF Probing of Ionospheric Perturbations Associated with Earthquakes: A Possibility of Earthquake Prediction2010/01/01English15
Fictitious Reference Iterative Tuning for Non-Minimum Phase Systems in the IMC Architecture: Simultaneous Attainment of Controllers and Models2012/03/01English13
Event-Triggered and Self-Triggered Control for Discrete-Time Average Consensus Problems2014/09/01English13
Optimal Tuning of PID Parameters Using Iterative Learning Approach2008/03/01English12
Stochastic Optimal Tracking with Preview by State Feedback for Linear Continuous-Time Markovian Jump Systems2010/05/01English12
Parametric Design of a Dual-Rate Controller for Improvement in Steady-State Intersample Response2008/07/01English12
Swing-up of Furuta Pendulum by Nonlinear Sliding Mode Control2008/01/01English12
A Riemannian-Geometry Approach for Control of Robotic Systems under Constraints2009/03/01English12
Development of INS-Aided GPS Tracking Loop and Flight Test Evaluation2011/01/01English11
TELEsarPHONE: Mutual Telexistence Master-Slave Communication System Based on Retroreflective Projection Technology2008/09/01English11
Quantitative Evaluation of Surface Color of Tomato Fruits Cultivated in Remote Farm Using Digital Camera Images2012/01/01English11
Collision-Free Guidance Control of Small Unmanned Helicopter Using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control2014/11/01English11
Formation Control of UAVs with a Fourth-Order Flight Dynamics2014/03/01English11
Apartment Building Energy Management System in Group Optimization with Electricity Interchange Using In-Vehicle Batteries2015/01/01English10
Continuous Temperature Measurement of Liquid Iron and Slag Tapped from a Blast Furnace2014/05/01English10
Keystroke Dynamics for Individual Identification in Japanese Free Text Typing2011/03/01English10