Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis

Title Publication Date Language Citations
On Fractional Schrödinger Equations in sobolev spaces2015/09/01English65
Some observations on the Green function for the ball in the fractional Laplace framework2016/01/01English60
Concentration phenomenon for fractional nonlinear Schrödinger equations2014/07/01English55
Smooth attractors for the Brinkman-Forchheimer equations with fast growing nonlinearities2012/03/01English55
Stability result for the Timoshenko system with a time-varying delay term in the internal feedbacks2010/12/01English51
Traveling waves of a delayed diffusive SIR epidemic model2015/03/01English50
Remarks on some dispersive estimates2011/04/01English45
Blowup in higher dimensional two species chemotactic systems2012/09/01English42
Stability of rarefaction wave and boundary layer for outflow problem on the two-fluid Navier-Stokes-Poisson equations2012/09/01English41
A sixth order Cahn-Hilliard type equation arising in oil-water-surfactant mixtures2011/05/01English40
The Nehari manifold for fractional systems involving critical nonlinearities2016/04/01English39
An evolution equation involving the normalized $P$-Laplacian2010/11/01English38
Twelve limit cycles in a cubic order planar system with $Z_2$- symmetry2004/06/01English37
Friedlander's eigenvalue inequalities and the Dirichlet-to-Neumann semigroup2012/04/01English37
Compactness of discrete approximate solutions to parabolic PDEs - Application to a turbulence model2012/04/01English36
Instability of coupled systems with delay2012/03/01English35
Positive solutions to a Dirichlet problem with $p$-Laplacian and concave-convex nonlinearity depending on a parameter2012/09/01English34
Dynamics of a host-pathogen system on a bounded spatial domain2015/09/01English33
Fracture models as $\Gamma$-limits of damage models2012/11/01English32
The geometry of a vorticity model equation2012/01/01English29
A Serrin-type regularity criterion for the Navier-Stokes equations via one velocity component2012/09/01English28
The effect of delay on a diffusive predator-prey system with Holling Type-II predator functional response2012/09/01English28
Coexistence and extinction in the Volterra-Lotka competition model with nonlocal dispersal2012/03/01English28
Existence of solutions for singularly perturbed Schrödinger equations with nonlocal part2012/09/01English27
Elliptic equations having a singular quadratic gradient term and a changing sign datum2012/03/01English26
Global gradient estimates in elliptic problems under minimal data and domain regularity2014/09/01English26
One Class of Sobolev Type Equations of Higher Order with Additive "White Noise"2015/12/01English25
Proper extensions of Noether's symmetry theorem for nonsmooth extremals of the calculus of variations2004/06/01English25
The inverse Fueter mapping theorem2011/04/01English25
Positive solutions of Kirchhoff type problem with singular and critical nonlinearities in dimension four2016/07/01English24