IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Adaptive robust Kalman filter for relative navigation using global position system2013/06/01English37
Radio frequency interference cancellation for sea-state remote sensing by high-frequency radar2011/01/01English37
Synthesis of compromise sum-difference arrays through time-modulation2009/01/01English36
Classification of personnel targets by acoustic micro-Doppler signatures2011/01/01English36
Median matrices and their application to radar training data selection2014/04/01English36
Track-before-detect procedures for low pulse repetition frequency surveillance radars2011/01/01English36
Cross‐range scaling method of inverse synthetic aperture radar image based on discrete polynomial‐phase transform2015/03/01English36
Compressive sensing‐based inverse synthetic radar imaging imaging from incomplete data2016/02/01English36
Radar detection based on compound-Gaussian model with inverse gamma texture2011/01/01English36
Decision fusion strategies for SAR image target recognition2011/01/01English36
New GPS anti‐jamming system based on multiple short‐time Fourier transform2016/04/01English36
Hilbert–Huang transform analysis of human activities using through-wall noise and noise-like radar2008/08/01English35
Marginal unscented Kalman filter for cross‐correlated process and observation noise at the same epoch2014/01/01English35
Fractal characteristic in frequency domain for target detection within sea clutter2012/01/01English35
Aspect angle dependence and multistatic data fusion for micro‐Doppler classification of armed/unarmed personnel2015/12/01English35
Parameter estimation for Pareto and K distributed clutter with noise2015/01/01English35
Two‐dimensional location of moving targets within local areas using WiFi‐based multistatic passive radar2014/02/01English34
Adaptive detection of distributed targets with orthogonal rejection2012/07/01English34
Augmented subspace MUSIC method for DOA estimation using acoustic vector sensor array2019/06/01English34
Extending Loffeld's bistatic formula for the general bistatic SAR configuration2010/01/01English34
Exploiting multiple a priori spectral models for adaptive radar detection2014/08/01English34
Human body and limb motion recognition via stacked gated recurrent units network2018/08/08English34
Design and evaluation of a low-cost multistatic netted radar system2007/01/01English34
Approach for space‐based radar manoeuvring target detection and high‐order motion parameter estimation2015/07/01English33
ESA'S POLarimetric Airborne Radar Ice Sounder (POLARIS): design and first results2010/01/01English33
Mixed‐modulated linear frequency modulated radar‐communications2017/02/01English33
Improved human respiration detection method via ultra‐wideband radar in through‐wall or other similar conditions2016/03/01English33
Multi-baseline phase unwrapping algorithm based on the unscented Kalman filter2011/01/01English33
Improved method for deinterleaving radar signals and estimating PRI values2018/03/07English33
Robust and accurate UWB‐based indoor robot localisation using integrated EKF/EFIR filtering2018/07/01English33