IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Spectrally interleaved multi‐carrier signals for radar network applications and multi‐input multi‐output radar2013/03/01English59
Phase‐sensitive FMCW radar system for high‐precision Antarctic ice shelf profile monitoring2014/08/01English59
Radar emitter classification for large data set based on weighted‐xgboost2017/06/09English58
Application of the Radon transform to detect small-targets in sea clutter2009/01/01English58
Design and performance evaluation of a mature FM/DAB/DVB‐T multi‐illuminator passive radar system2014/02/01English57
Fifty years of instantaneous frequency measurement2012/01/01English56
Passive bistatic radar based on target illuminations by digital audio broadcasting2008/10/01English56
On deception jamming for countering bistatic ISAR based on sub‐Nyquist sampling2014/03/01English55
Band pass filter design against interrupted‐sampling repeater jamming based on time‐frequency analysis2019/10/01English52
Theoretical limits on SAR imposed by the ionosphere2008/12/01English52
Detection of low observable moving target in sea clutter via fractal characteristics in fractional Fourier transform domain2013/07/01English51
Reduced-complexity Capon for direction of arrival estimation in a monostatic multiple-input multiple-output radar2012/10/01English51
Human–vehicle classification using feature‐based SVM in 77‐GHz automotive FMCW radar2017/08/11English51
Cooperative robotic networks for underwater surveillance: an overview2017/12/01English51
Parametric inverse synthetic aperture radar manoeuvring target motion compensation based on particle swarm optimiser2011/01/01English50
Uniform rotational motion compensation for inverse synthetic aperture radar with non-cooperative targets2008/02/01English50
Target localisation techniques and tools for multiple-input multiple-output radar2009/01/01English49
Development of frequency diverse array radar technology: a review2018/02/01English49
Constant false alarm rate detectors for pareto clutter models2013/02/01English49
CLEAN‐based coherent integration method for high‐speed multi‐targets detection2016/12/01English48
Detection of high‐speed and accelerated target based on the linear frequency modulation radar2014/01/01English47
Direct-path suppression by spatial filtering in digital television terrestrial broadcasting-based passive radar2010/01/01English47
Application of ultra-wide band radar for classification of human activities2012/01/01English47
ISAR based technique for refocusing non-cooperative targets in SAR images2012/01/01English47
Analysis of detection range of FM‐based passive radar2014/02/01English47
CRBs for direction‐of‐departure and direction‐of‐arrival estimation in collocated MIMO radar in the presence of unknown spatially coloured noise2019/04/01English46
Inverse synthetic aperture radar imaging of manoeuvring target based on range-instantaneous-Doppler and range-instantaneous-chirp-rate algorithms2012/12/01English46
Designing single/multiple sparse frequency waveforms with sidelobe constraint2011/01/01English46
Adaptive two-step calibration for high-resolution and wide-swath SAR imaging2010/01/01English46
Time and phase synchronisation via direct-path signal for bistatic synthetic aperture radar systems2008/02/01English45