Journal of Ultrasonography

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Enthesopathies and enthesitis. Part 1. Etiopathogenesis2015/03/273
New aspects in shear-wave elastography of prostate cancer2015/03/272
A twin pregnancy with a hydatidiform mole and a coexisting live fetus: prenatal diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up2017/12/292
Recommendations for ultrasound examination in ophthalmology. Part I: Ultrabiomicroscopic examination2018/12/312
Shear wave elastography detects novel imaging biomarkers of aromatase inhibitor–induced joint pain: a pilot study2021/03/082
Wartość ultrasonografii w diagnostyce żylaków powrózka nasiennego2016/12/302
Value of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome – literature review2015/10/302
Fetal cardiac function by three-dimensional ultrasound using 4D-STIC and VOCAL – an update2019/12/312
Ultrasound of soft tissue masses of the hand2012/12/302
Ultrasound assessment of selected peripheral nerves pathologies. Part II: Entrapment neuropathies of the lower limb2012/12/302
Sonographic detection of inferior subluxation in post-stroke hemiplegic shoulders2017/06/302
Diagnostyka obrazowa młodzieńczego idiopatycznego zapalenia stawów. Część I: Klasyfikacje kliniczne i radiogramy2016/09/072
Diagnostyka obrazowa młodzieńczego idiopatycznego zapalenia stawów. Część II: Ultrasonografia i rezonans magnetyczny2016/09/072
Evaluation of musculoskeletal symptoms among physicians performing ultrasound2017/09/291
Ultrasonographic assessment of articular cartilage of the femoral condyle in patients with an increased Q-angle2018/09/061
The diagnosis and management of shoulder pain2018/09/061
Classifications and imaging of juvenile spondyloarthritis2018/09/061
Is a linear probe helpful in diagnosing diseases of pulmonary interstitial spaces?2017/06/301
Antenatal corticosteroid treatment for the prevention of peri-intraventricular haemorrhage in preterm newborns: a retrospective cohort study using transfontanelle ultrasonography2017/06/301
Wrist ultrasound examination – scanning technique and ultrasound anatomy. Part 2: Ventral wrist2017/06/301
Difficulties in differentiating the nature of ascites based on ultrasound imaging2017/06/301
A reminder of peristalsis as a useful tool in the prenatal differential diagnosis of abdominal cystic masses2017/06/301
Elastografia fali poprzecznej z nowym wskaźnikiem wiarygodności2016/09/071
Ocena przydatności badania USG z zastosowaniem głowicy wysokiej częstotliwości w kwalifikacji do operacyjnego leczenia zespołu kanału nadgarstka2015/09/301
Wartość badania ultrasonograficznego w diagnostyce twardziny ograniczonej – opis przypadku klinicznego2015/09/301
Wartość badania ultrasonograficznego w ocenie świeżych uszkodzeń więzadła skokowo-strzałkowego przedniego u dzieci2015/09/301
Thrombosis of the persistent median artery as a cause of carpal tunnel syndrome – case study2012/12/301
Answer to the question page 5082012/12/301
Contrast enhanced ultrasound of sentinel lymph nodes2013/03/301
Intra-abdominal adhesions in ultrasound. Part II: The morphology of changes2013/03/301