Cognitive Systems Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Rolling element bearing fault diagnosis using convolutional neural network and vibration image2019/01/01English255
Application of deep transfer learning for automated brain abnormality classification using MR images2019/05/01English255
Cognitive architectures: Research issues and challenges2009/06/01English205
A domain-independent framework for modeling emotion2004/12/01English188
Brain tumor detection using fusion of hand crafted and deep learning features2020/01/01English184
FNDNet – A deep convolutional neural network for fake news detection2020/06/01English162
Convolutional neural network based Alzheimer’s disease classification from magnetic resonance brain images2019/10/01English156
Some empirical tests of an interactive activation model of eye movement control in reading2006/03/01English142
EMA: A process model of appraisal dynamics2009/03/01English128
The socially extended mind2013/12/01English127
Optimized cuttlefish algorithm for diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease2018/12/01English114
E–Z Reader: A cognitive-control, serial-attention model of eye-movement behavior during reading2006/03/01English111
An efficient compression of ECG signals using deep convolutional autoencoders2018/12/01English111
On the cognitive process of human problem solving2010/03/01English110
On strong anticipation2010/06/01English110
Recognizing group cognition2010/12/01English109
A medical records managing and securing blockchain based system supported by a Genetic Algorithm and Discrete Wavelet Transform2018/12/01English94
Stigmergy as a universal coordination mechanism I: Definition and components2016/06/01English91
A conceptual and empirical framework for the social distribution of cognition: The case of memory2008/03/01English91
Twitter sentiment analysis with a deep neural network: An enhanced approach using user behavioral information2019/05/01English88
Deep learning based liver cancer detection using watershed transform and Gaussian mixture model techniques2019/05/01English86
An automated diagnosis of depression using three-channel bandwidth-duration localized wavelet filter bank with EEG signals2018/12/01English83
Examining multiple feature evaluation and classification methods for improving the diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease2019/05/01English83
Affective guidance of intelligent agents: How emotion controls cognition2009/03/01English82
From extended mind to collective mind2006/06/01English78
Culture, evolution and the puzzle of human cooperation2006/06/01English77
Diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease using modified grey wolf optimization2019/05/01English77
Three-channel convolutional neural networks for vegetable leaf disease recognition2019/01/01English76
Bidirectional cognitive computing method supported by cloud technology2018/12/01English70
A hybrid neutrosophic multiple criteria group decision making approach for project selection2019/10/01English69