Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Interpolation theory for the HK-Fourier transform2021/11/091
Nondegenerate extensions of near-group braided fusion categories2023/07/141
Threshold Ramsey multiplicity for odd cycles2022/04/011
On fibrations and measures of irrationality of hyper-Kähler manifolds2022/08/181
Duality for infinite-dimensional braided bialgebras and their (co)modules2023/12/27
On Hopf algebras over basic Hopf algebras of dimension 242023/12/27
Conformal vector fields on statistical manifolds2022/09/12
Distance Laplacian eigenvalues of graphs, and chromatic and independence number2024/04/16
Limit behaviors for a $\beta$-mixing sequence in the St. Petersburg game2024/04/24
Trivial extensions of monomial algebras2024/04/24
On the Eneström–Kakeya theorem and its various forms in the quaternionic setting2024/04/24
Coupling local and nonlocal equations with Neumann boundary conditions2023/12/28
On the zeros of univariate E-polynomials2023/03/10
Homogeneous weight enumerators over integer residue rings and failures of the MacWilliams identities2023/03/13
Positivities in Hall–Littlewood expansions and related plethystic operators2023/03/10
The affine log-Aleksandrov–Fenchel inequality2023/03/27
A rich and complex dynamics emerges between the subthalamic nucleus and the globus pallidus externa in the basal ganglia2023/04/25
Stabilizing radial basis functions techniques for a local boundary integral method2023/04/25
A Clemens–Schmid type exact sequence over a local basis2022/06/28
The Ext-algebra of the Brauer tree algebra associated to a line2023/06/06
Real hypersurfaces in the complex hyperbolic quadric with Reeb invariant Ricci tensor2021/11/08
On conformal geometry of four-dimensional generalized symmetric spaces2023/05/29
On power integral bases of certain pure number fields defined by $x^{84}-m$2023/06/28
Linear maps preserving Drazin inverses of matrices over local rings2021/11/23
A remark on uniform expansion2022/03/18
Selberg zeta-function associated to compact Riemann surface is prime2021/06/04
Orlicz version of mixed moment tensors2022/12/13
The isometry groups of Lorentzian three-dimensional unimodular simply connected Lie groups2022/09/28
Multidimensional common fixed point theorems for multivalued mappings in dislocated metric spaces2021/09/13
New classes of statistical manifolds with a complex structure2024/03/06