
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Evidence d'un bas niveau marin durant l'Holocène à Saint-Fabien-sur-Mer, estuaire maritime du Saint-Laurent1988/01/01French13
La gestion des milieux dunaires littoraux. Evolution de leur vulnérabilité à partir d'une liste de contrôle. Etude de cas dans le sud du Pays de Galles et en Bretagne occidentale1991/01/01French12
L'impact du ruissellement sur les moraines latérales du glacier du Roi1997/01/01French12
Equipment daily in France: a factor of residential attractiveness and local development?2013/03/3012
Sedimentary infilling of salt-marshes and relative sea-level variations during the last 6 000 years in the Bay of Brest (western Brittany)2011/11/3012
Controlling water for the agriculture in the Limousin, France. An example of water management in oceanic medium mountains2007/03/0112
Dark tourism in post Katrina New Orleans: resilience and memory at major disaster sites2008/11/0112
Towards more coherent urban transport policies2017/12/3112
Agricultural land in the face of multifunctionality: environmental and nutritional endeavors in the Lille and Nantes metropolitan areas2016/12/3012
Recherches palynologiques en Bretagne occidentale1963/01/01French11
Les moyennes montagnes d'Europe occidentale : affaiblissement ou réadaptation des campagnes ?1997/01/01French11
Dynamics and Mutations in the Artisanal Senegalese Fisheries Management. From Centralised Resources Management to Participatory and Sustainable Dynamics2019/12/2011
Controlling water for the agriculture in the Limousin, France. An example of water management in oceanic medium mountains2008/11/0110
Interests and limits of the French “CatNat” data for inventorying floods. The example of the “flash floods” linked to violent thunderstorms (Paris Basin, North-western France)2006/12/0110
Work situations : References for Systems of Reference2011/12/3010
Aspects morphologiques de la partie occidentale du Marais Poitevin1957/01/01French10
Introduction – Analysing Socio-Environnemental Dynamics of Iconic Natural Places through Environnemental Capital2017/11/0210
Geomorphological heritage and place names: the case of quartzite mountains of the European Atlantic façade (Norway, Scotland, Ireland)2013/12/2010
How do farmers adapt to periurban context? Agricultural rationales at Billom-Saint-Dier (Auvergne – France)2012/09/3010
Le tourisme : agent conflictuel de l'utilisation de l'espace littoral en France1984/01/01French10
De l’abondance à la raison2014/09/309
Crestal overtop and gravel barrier migration by rollover. Impact of 10th March 2008 storm on the actual evolution of Sillon de Talbert (Côtes-d’Armor, Brittany)2010/09/309
The complex interaction between quality label and environment in France2011/06/309
Derrière les mots du politique. Le-pire-est-à-venir, un marqueur temporel particulier dans le discours politique en Belgique2013/06/309
Population and automobile dependance in the outer sububs of Paris2007/12/019
Introduction : Dispositifs et outils de gouvernance territoriale2008/12/159
The SCoT, a tool for territorial governance ? Local dialogue around the Pays du Grand Clermont2008/12/159
Social Innovations and Territorial Development in the European Rural Areas2016/12/309
Les nappes alluviales de la vallée du Cher dans le bassin de Montluçon1981/01/01French9