Digital Geography and Society

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Civic Crowdfunding as Urban Digital Platform in Milan and Amsterdam: Don’t take pictures on a rainy day!2022/01/01English3
Intersectional understandings of the role and meaning of platform-mediated work in the pandemic Swedish welfare state2022/01/01English2
Pay to play? Subverting the digital economy of Pokémon Go in the smart city2020/01/01English2
Text mining and semantic triples: Spatial analyses of text in applied humanitarian forensic research2020/01/01English2
Everyday code: The project for democracy on our ‘desktop’2022/01/01English2
Digital platforms and socio-spatial justice in the (post-)pandemic city: Introduction to the special issue2022/01/01English2
Online food marketplaces & the fetishization of local: The case for narratology2023/01/01English1
Creative digipreneurs: Artistic entrepreneurial practices in platform-mediated space2023/01/01English1
The gig economy in Chile: Examining labor conditions and the nature of gig work in a Global South country2023/12/01English1
Digital transformations of the urban – carbon – labor nexus: A research agenda2023/12/01English1
From flatmates to realestate? Platform capitalism and the transformation of share housing2023/12/01English1
Moving through, interacting with, and caring for the city. Children's and young people's everyday experiences in smart cities2023/01/01English1
Following miss Costa: Examining digital natures through a shark with a twitter account2023/12/01English1
Getting the first gig: Exploring the affective relations of accessing place-based platform labour2023/12/01English1
Communal sharing within and beyond digital platforms: Prefiguring interdependent sharing cities2022/01/01English1
Discovering smart: Early encounters and negotiations with smart street furniture in London and Glasgow2023/01/01English1
Digital addressing and the construction of the Ghanaian nation-space2023/01/01English1
To migrate or not to migrate: Internet use and migration intention among rural youth in developing countries (case of Malang, Indonesia)2023/01/01English1
Communicating with home, coping without home – Trusting to the mediating capacity of blogging2021/01/01English1
A text-messaging chatbot to support outdoor recreation monitoring through community science2023/12/01English1
Digital ecosystem: The journey of a metaphor2023/12/01English1
Follow the digital: Methodological thoughts on doing everyday geographies in a digital worldEnglish
Cautious hope: Prospects and perils of communitarian governance in a Web3 environmentEnglish
“A delivery vehicle for change and democracy”: Exploring care and scale in digital engagementEnglish
TikTok and the changing landscape of therapeutic digital spaces of careEnglish
The difference that the institutional environment makes: Leveraging coordination to balance platform dominance, mutuality and autonomy in geographically fragmented hospitality labour marketsEnglish
Reconceptualizing carbon datafication through indigeneity2023/01/01English
Of fixes and glitches: Mixing metaphors for platform urbanism2023/01/01English
Use of digital platforms by autistic children and young people for creative dress-up play (cosplay) to facilitate and support social interaction2022/01/01English
Fair work in South Africa's gig economy: A journey of engaged scholarship2023/12/01English