Physics in Medicine and Biology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Estimation of optical pathlength through tissue from direct time of flight measurement1988/12/011,328
Basic mathematical and electromagnetic concepts of the biomagnetic inverse problem1987/01/011,170
Energy-selective reconstructions in X-ray computerised tomography1976/09/011,136
1H NMR chemical shift selective (CHESS) imaging1985/04/01744
The passive electrical properties of biological systems: their significance in physiology, biophysics and biotechnology1987/08/01544
Spin warp NMR imaging and applications to human whole-body imaging1980/07/01520
Principles of computer assisted tomography (CAT) in radiographic and radioisotopic imaging1976/09/01436
Terahertz pulse imaging in reflection geometry of human skin cancer and skin tissue2002/10/16422
Acquiring a four-dimensional computed tomography dataset using an external respiratory signal2002/12/16419
Far-infrared vibrational modes of DNA components studied by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy2002/10/16406
Physics of thermal processes in laser-tissue interaction1990/09/01394
Beam hardening in X-ray reconstructive tomography1976/05/01382
Optical properties of selected native and coagulated human brain tissues in vitro in the visible and near infrared spectral range2002/06/06380
Measurement of radiation dose distributions by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging1984/10/01374
Computation of bremsstrahlung X-ray spectra and comparison with spectra measured with a Ge(Li) detector1979/05/01352
Effects of intra-fraction motion on IMRT dose delivery: statistical analysis and simulation2002/06/18339
RF magnetic field penetration, phase shift and power dissipation in biological tissue: implications for NMR imaging1978/07/01293
A molecular theory of cell survival1973/01/01292
Fluorescence properties of indocyanine green as related to angiography1978/01/01287
Monte-Carlo calculation of conversion factors for the estimation of mean glandular breast dose1990/09/01285
Active bone marrow distribution as a function of age in humans1981/05/01278
X-ray characterisation of normal and neoplastic breast tissues1987/06/01274
Methods of image reconstruction from projections applied to conformation radiotherapy1990/10/01273
A theoretical and experimental study of light absorption and scattering by in vivo skin1980/07/01255
Optical properties of normal and diseased human breast tissues in the visible and near infrared1990/09/01254
Electron beam dose calculations1981/05/01250
Spectral emissivity of skin and pericardium1973/09/01249
Optimisation of conformal radiotherapy dose distribution by simulated annealing1989/10/01247
The physics of photodynamic therapy1986/04/01229
The Distribution of Active Bone Marrow in the Adult1961/01/01220